t h i r t y - t h r e e

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Dahyun dragged Hanbin to the dining area where Sana won't be able to hear them if she ever wakes up from her sleep. She gave him a meaningful look, the look that is demanding a reply from him, but Hanbin just looked at her sister confusingly. He doesn't know what she wants, anyway. He can't just read her mind and magically answer whatever she wants to ask.

Dahyun sighed and then groaned. "Why did you bring her home?" She asked.

"How can I leave her alone? She was crying!" He told her, almost raising his voice, but he didn't because Sana might wake up.

"How did you guys even meet each other at an hour like this? Your restaurant is already closed, so Sana won't be able to go there. How? Why?" Dahyun is demanding for answers. She's seriously confused of what's going on.

Hanbin sighed. It's a long story, but for his sister, he summarized it. "I accidentally followed her to the bar--"

"Bar? Why is she at the bar? She's pregnant!"

"Will you please let me continue first?" He requested, so Dahyun stayed silent. "She followed Taehyung and Irene to the bar--"

"Taehyung? Irene? Bar? How--"

"Damn it, Kim Dahyun. If you want me to tell you what happened, please shut your mouth up." Hanbin said with full authority. "I followed Sana who is following Taehyung and Irene to the bar because they are performers at that place. I saw Sana crying while watching them, so I decided to take her home because it's bad for pregnant women to get stressed. She might be depressed if she stays at home alone." He said without pausing while his sister is just staring at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What do you want to do now?"

"Let her stay until she becomes okay." He replied and Dahyun just nodded slightly as if she's saying that what he said is right. "You don't have anything to do tomorrow, right? Will you please assist her in everything she needs?"

"I don't have any choice." She said and her shoulders fell. "I'll take care of her. Don't you worry."

"Okay, thank you, dongsaeng." Hanbin hugged Dahyun as he caresses his sister's head. They escaped from each other's hug and went back to the living room. "Let me transfer her to your room."

"Alright. I'll help you." Dahyun nodded and helped his brother to take their friend to her room. After placing Sana on the bed, Hanbin gazed at her for a second and bid his good bye.

Dahyun sighed and looked at her friend, "Sana-ssi," she groaned. "What have you been doing to your life?" She massaged her temples to relax herself. "If I can only tell you the truth, but it's not that easy. I know that you won't believe any of us because that Yuta freaking erased your memories!" She said, frustrated of what's happening. She glanced at her friend once more while shaking her head sideways. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." She tsk-ed and prepared herself to sleep.


His happiness cannot be compared. He's too joyous at this time. "But..." The man froze. He became nervous all of a sudden when he heard Sana's conjunction word. She slightly stood up and took the ring that the man bought her seven years ago. "...this needs to be used." She walked towards him, kneeled down on one foot and took his hand. "Will you marry me, hsnabakalsoslal?" He laughed at Sana's playfulness. He's tearing up, but he laughed out loud.

"Yes!" He shouted. The same man took the ring and inserted it on Sana's ring finger. Sana stood up and cupped his wet cheeks. He is tearing up. This is very unexpected for him. We're official. We're engaged. We're officially engaged. Were the three sentences that he is thinking about. He kept on repeating the last sentence all over and over again.

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