t h i r t y - s i x

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Once I dropped Taehyung at the orphanage, I told the cab driver to take me to the supermarket, so I can buy some ingredients for our party on Saturday. As much as I wanted to comfort him and look after him, I can't because he, himself, told me to buy the ingredients instead of taking care of him. I guess he wanted to be alone for a while and I think I just have to respect that decision of his. Maybe he doesn't want some company as well, especially if that company is me.

Once I reached my destination, I paid the driver and entered the supermarket. I grabbed a push cart right away and looked for the ingredients that are written on my shopping list. I was moving around the area when I saw a familiar guy. It felt like my whole world stopped when I saw him with a girl. My eyebrows met immediately and all I could think of is that he's a jerk.

I actually do not know what should I do right now. If Taehyung is right beside me, he could've beaten him up for cheating on her, but I'm here, standing like a fool while I stare at them. He probably doesn't know who I am because he has never seen me before and he doesn't know that I know him.

He must've felt that someone is staring at them, so he roamed around his eyes around the area and our eyes met. He looked at me blankly before cuddling his woman again. His hands snaked her waist and pulled her closer towards him. His lips moved further to her ear and whispered something to her that made her giggle like a little girl that received a candy.

I closed my eyes, tightened it, sighed deeply and prayed. I prayed that if she ever finds out about this, she will be able to take it in. I prayed that she will be stronger this time. This is too much for the woman that he is betraying. She doesn't deserve men like him. She doesn't deserve him from the start, I must say. He is a complete jerk; the most evil douchebag I have known in my entire life.

After two minutes or so, they fled from my sight, but I'm still here, standing with my push cart while holding a pack of seaweeds. How dare you. The woman that he betrays is not my friend, but I know her and her story. She's been through a lot because of him. She doesn't deserve anything like this. She doesn't deserve to know this, but she has the rights to know. She has a reason to know this kind of information because after all, she's the fiancé.

I decided to go on, but I'm still thinking of the possible things that could happen. If I will tell this to Taehyung, he will surely kill him. If I will tell this to her directly, she might lose the baby for too much stress. If I will just bury the truth, they will all live in a lie. What should I do now? There's a lot of complications.

It took me three straight hours to shop for the ingredients. I can even feel my phone's vibration again and again and that is Taehyung calling me over and over. He must be worried why am I not answering his calls. I'm just too space out because I'm bothered. So, I fished my phone from my pocket and decided to call Taehyung, so that I can assure him that I'm doing okay.

"Irene-ssi!" I can feel worriment on his tone. He must be worried a lot because I'm ignoring his phone calls. "Why aren't you picking up? Did something bad happen?" Sometimes, I don't know what should I feel for his questions. I know that he cares for me as a friend, but I don't know why I wish that he cares for me as something more. But then I decided that I should stop growing my feelings for him because he will just ignore it and Sana will surely get hurt. I don't want to hurt anybody but myself.

I smiled as if he's in front of me. "Nothing. I just had a hard time deciding what should I buy." I answered and looked at the number of paper bags beside me right now. I can't carry them all, so I thought of asking Taehyung for help. "Can you pick me up? These are a lot of paper bags and I can't carry all of them at the same time."

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there soon--"

"And then let's have lunch, so we can talk about your party on Saturday." It was a bit rude to cut someone's statement, but I wanted to say it to him before he ends the line. I hung up and placed back the phone inside my pocket. I waited for him outside the supermarket, but as I was waiting for him, I noticed the same familiar guy inside with his harlot beside him standing one meter away from me.

I controlled myself because anytime soon, I can slap him or crack his nuts because of the devilish things that he is doing to someone so pure. I heard a phone call and it seems like it's coming from his phone.

In my peripheral view, he answered it and it just irritated my ears and it feels like my blood pressure went high. "Hi, honey." He greeted and he sounded so tired though I know that he's just acting up. "How are you doing, sweetie? Hmm. I'm a little bit tired from work. It's a little bit late here in the States. Can you call some other time? Hmm. Okay. I love you and see you soon, honey." He then ended the call and their cab arrived right after he put his phone inside his pocket. They entered the cab and fled.

"Asshole." I whispered. I actually wanted to yell that word to him directly, but I think now is not the time. How can he actually tell Sana that he's still in the States when he's in Seoul flirting with someone? I don't get him, actually. Why does he want Sana? If he's thirsting for Sana that much, why is he with someone right now? Is he kidding me? Ha!

I groaned in frustration and calmed myself. Taehyung shouldn't see me in a state like this because he will surely ask questions. Once I calmed myself, Taehyung arrived as if it was scripted. He helped me with the paper bags and told the cab driver to drive us to a local restaurant around the area.



"What did he say?" Hanbin asked me after Yuta hung up. I looked at him and I can see that he's really concerned with me. I sighed and shook my head sideways. Maybe Yuta really is tired from work, but even though he's tired, he would want to talk with me still. He's not being himself. I'm doubting.

I suddenly thought of Taehyung again. Whatever came from my mouth is from my heart. It's not my intention to spill those words out, but I guess my contained feelings just flowed out because of my emotions. I let my emotions overrule me.

At the hot bath earlier, I thought it will help me think through my situation, but the only thing I'm thinking of is him. I found myself asking if he's okay. If he stopped crying already because thsre's a part of my heart that aches whenever he does. If he had eaten lunch already because I don't want him to starve. If he's laying on his bed right now, sleeping. I'm actually wondering as well if he's thinking of me, too.

"Whenever you need someone to be with you, I'm one call away, Sana. Do not ever hesitate to call me." Hanbin assured me with a smile, so I gave him a half-smile because I'm not that okay yet. Me and Hanbin are comfortably sitting on the couch quietly when Dahyun and Jimin walked right up to us. It seems like they both showered together already. They also changed clothes. Maybe they're going somewhere.

"Oppa, we'll just go to Tae. He said that he's going to tell us the details to his party." Dahyun said and out of curiousity, I suddenly want to go to Taehyung and ask about the party. "Can we?" Hanbin hummed a yes, so Dahyun and Jimin thanked him and fled immediately.

I faced Hanbin, "Hanbin-ssi, let's follow them." I told him.

"Why? You'll just get yourself emotionally hurt again once you see Tae--"

"Trust me, this time, I can handle it." He sighed and looked at me swiftly before making a decision. He then nodded. "Thank you!"

"But I'll let you see him for 45 minutes already. I don't want to see you emotionaly unstable again if you'll ever talk to him once more." I nodded and then he stood up. I followed him to his car and then he tracked Dahyun and Jimin, so we can follow them even though we can't sight them already.

My heart is pounding because of nervousness and excitement at the same time. My heart longs to see Taehyung again, but my mind keeps on telling me that I should long for Yuta. I will try to follow my heart for this one time only. I promise.


My birthday is coming up, so I think I will publish something 😉

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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