t w e n t y - o n e

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Yuta hopped off from his car and opened the gate using his keys. Sana heard the creak of the gate, thinking that it must be Taehyung and she forgot to lock it, so she rushed towards outside with excitement. Her shoulders fell when she saw Yuta, but she smiled and walked towards him.

"Hey, honey." Sana kissed his cheek and grinned widely. "I thought you're going to stay up all night in your office?" She asked and then they both entered the house. Yuta threw himself to the couch immediately and closed his eyes.

"I decided to go here for some hours before leaving you."

"Leaving me? You're going to leave me?" Sana asked in a worried tone. "What do you mean by that?" She asked again and sat beside him. Thinking of him leaving her breaks her heart. She thought of living alone forever, not spending her life with her most loved guy in the world and raising her child without him.

Yuta faced her and he chuckled when she saw her tearing up. He chucklingly and wiped her tears using his fingers. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead.

"What I mean by that is," he looked straight into her eyes and grinned. "I'm having business meetings in the States to close some deals. I have lots if business trips, too."

"Y-You're not going to leave me?" She asked. Yuta nodded and his answer made her smile a bit. "Can I come with you then?" She cuddled him and placed her head on his chest where she can hear his heartbeat pounding loudly and quickly.

"As much as I want to," he snaked his hand on her shoulder and just stared nowhere. "Yes, I would, but I'm afraid for the baby and for you, honey. I'm not going to be there with you all the time because of business." Sana pouted and sighed. I guess I have no choice but to let him go alone. "You okay, hon?"

She looked at him and smiled, "Yeah. I think I'll be a distraction to you."

"No, don't think it that way, honey." He caressed her arm and pinched it softly. "This is for our future, okay?"

"Yep." She giggled and kissed his neck. "Will you be back before the wedding?"

"Of course I will be back. I won't let this memorable wedding of ours pass."

"That's good then." She said. "When's your flight?"

"At dawn." She felt her heart sink. She thought she could still spend time with him before he goes, but she thought wrong. "I'm really sorry, honey."

"It's okay. I'm okay."

"You sure?" She nodded.


Sana watched Yuta walk away from her after he kissed her and her baby bump. He even said good bye to the baby. She waved her hand sadly and then Yuta just continued on walking towards the inside of the airport.

What am I going to do now? She asked and hopped inside the cab. She then caressed her baby bump and asked her baby, "What are we going to do now, baby?" She tried sleeping until they arrive to her house, but she can't. She wants keep herself busy and she's getting bored right now.

She suddenly thought of Taehyung. She wanted to know if he's doing something importang because she wants him to go with her to talk to some interior designer. She decided to hire an interior designer that will decorate her baby's room. As much as she wanted to ask Taehyung, she can't because she doesn't know where he lives. She also doesn't have any idea what his number is.

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