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Taehyung dragged Irene towards one of the VIP rooms inside the bar. Irene tried to escape from Taehyung's tight grip, but she can't. He's too strong compare to her. She repeatedly told him that what he's doing is wrong, but it seems like he can't hear her because the alcohol is eating his senses. He threw her to the bed and locked the door. Irene tried backing away, but Taehyung locked her between his arms.

"T-Tae, l-listen to me! This is wrong!" Irene yelled, but Taehyung started kissing her on her neck and removed her top. Irene cried and lost all of her strength. "T-Tae, please." She said with a cracked voice which made him stop. He froze and realized what he was doing. Irene continued on crying while she is covering her naked top using her arms. Taehyung's face flushed and he felt very ashamed of what he just did. He sat and looked down.

"I-I'm sorry," he apologized and picked up Irene's blouse that is lying on the floor. He handed it to her, not bothering to face his friend. He scratched his head, "I-I don't know w-what is happening to me." Irene is still tearing up as she's wearing her clothes.

His sunken heart sunk even more when he thought of Sana again. He's losing heart that Sana will remember him.

Irene wiped her tears and gulped, "T-Tae, t-this will not help you." She stuttered. "I-If you love her so much, you will not do anything like this." He sighed and just shook his head. Irene placed her hand on his shoulder, "Tae, I will help you, but not like this."

Taehyung is feeling different emotions right now. He's lonely because of the fact that Sana doesn't know who he is. He's mad at Yuta for taking her away from him. He's ashamed of what he did to Irene. He's confused of what should he do right now. He's feeling different emotions that he might feel numb anytime.


"Tae," Irene handed him a cup of coffee and he took it from her. "After you finish your coffee, you'll go back to the orphanage. Your 'daughter' shouldn't see you like this, okay? I'll take you there." Taehyung feels embarrassed. Irene has done a lot of things for him as a friend, but he just treated her earlier like one of those prostitutes. His face is still flushed, so he kept his head low. "Tae, did you hear me?" He just hummed a yes and sipped some of his coffee. "I have a few clothes here for you that you can wear."

"I-It's fine," he uttered. "I'll just use a little perfume to cover the alcohol stench from my body--"

"You'll take a bath." She cut him and placed the clothes beside him. She sighed and stood in front of him. She lifted his chin and half-smiled, "This is not the time to be shy, okay? You'll do what I'll say. You're not in the right condition to decide what's best for you at this moment." Taehyung can't meet her eyes. He thinks that Irene is doing so much for him. "After finishing your coffee, take a bath. I'll take you back to the orphanage after you finish your bathing rituals. Don't complain." She then walked away from him and started cleaning the kitchen.

Irene took Taehyung to her apartment for a while because he was still drunk. She tried carrying him until they got there. Luckily, some guys helped her carry Taehyung. She let him sleep for a while on her couch while she made him coffee for his hangover. She knows that giving him coffee won't really help him recover from being drunk, but she still made him a cup. Taehyung woke up after 10 minutes or so and Irene told him all of what he needs to do.

Taehyung finished his coffee after 5 minutes and Irene handed him a towel before he goes to the bathroom.


"I'm sorry for being such a dink," Taehyung told Irene as they were walking on the sidewalks. "Wait, I'll just buy a candy for Minrin." He said and they stopped at a convenience store near the orphanage. Irene sat on a chair and waited for Taehyung.

Meanwhile, Yuta and Sana are on their way home. Sana felt her stomach grumble, so she told her fiancé that she wants something to eat. Yuta pulled over at a convenience store while Sana hopped off and entered the same store where Taehyung stopped by.

Irene is too focused on playing a game on her phone, so she didn't notice that Sana entered.

Sana looked around the area and felt like she wanted to eat some gummy worms and chocolates, so she went to a candy rack and tried finding what she was looking for.

Apparently, Taehyung is just behind her and she doesn't know it. Taehyung felt his heart beated fast. He knows that familiar feeling. It's the feeling that Sana can only give him. She's not here, Tae. Stop imagining. She's with Yuta, okay? He told himself and sighed. He just shrugged off the thought, but someone patted his shoulder. He thought that it was Irene, so he didn't bother on looking at her.

"Excuse me, sir," he froze upon hearing a familiar and unique voice. "Sir, the gummy worms are--" Sana was unable to finish her sentence when Taehyung looked back at her. Her eyes widened and she gulped.

They're staring at each other.

"Y-You're the rapist," Sana said and Taehyung's heart dropped. That's how Sana sees him now. Meanwhile, Taehyung doesn't know how should he react, but he was surprised when he felt his tears race down his cheeks. Sana was shocked, too. "I-I'm sorry for saying that. S-Sorry for accusing you." She was startled when Taehyung suddenly hugged her and cried on her shoulder.

Sana is petrified. She actually doesn't know what to do. This is the second time they meet; first was when Taehyung tried visiting her, but it failed and the second time is now.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go now." Sana pushed him gently which made Taehyung stop from hugging her. She looked at him and then grabbed a pack of gummy worms and a jar of Nutella. She looked at him weirdly, but what's weirder is when she felt her heart pound louder and faster than ever. She glanced at him for a split second and walked away from him. Taehyung just looked at her back, still crying.

Sana checked out the items and hopped inside the car. Yuta started driving.

"What took you so long?" Yuta asked. "I was about to go after you."

"T-There's a lot of people." She lied.
On the other hand, Irene is getting curious what keeping Taehyung so long. So she placed back her phone inside her pocket and looked for her friend. When she found him, she was about to throw a joke, but she saw Taehyung crying. She was worried all of the sudden.

She held both of his arms, "Tae, why are you crying? Tell me."

"I-I saw Sana." Her eyebrows crossed. She doesn't know if she should believe him or not, but she feels like what her friend is saying is true, so she decided to believe him.

"How?" She asked.

"S-She doesn't know me at all." He hugged Irene and cried on her. "I-Irene, she doesn't love me anymore." Maybe that was the most hurtful thing for Taehyung. The worst thing is that she doesn't love Taehyung anymore because for Sana, he's a stranger who showed up inside her house. He's a rapist for her. But little did she know, she still loves him. Even though she was weirded out about the fact why her heart is beating fast and loud whenever she's around Taehyung, she still does.

The heart doesn't forget. Ever.

"C'mon, let's get you home." Irene said to Taehyung and checked their items out. What happened tonight, for Taehyung, is unexpected. He doesn't have any idea that Sana will show up.

Irene pressed the doorbell and Hee Sung opened the gate for them. The old lady was a bit disappointed to Taehyung because he promised that he will be back before 7 PM, but he got home at 11 PM. Taehyung and Hee Sung thanked Irene and then she went back to her apartment. It's a long day for her.


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