t h r e e

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The doctor said that I'm allowed to go home now. Although I'm okay now and some of my bruises are healing quite well, I still don't know what my name is.

I don't have an idea where do I live, what's my name, how old am I or if I still have relatives left. If I have a family, why didn't they try to find me? Why didn't they look for me? Do they love me?

My head was flying somewhere else, so I bumped into someone. She was carrying some files and it fell, so I helped her.

"I am so sorry," I apologized. I gave it to her and stood up. She looked a bit shocked. "U-Uh, I have to go--"

"Taehyung?" My eyebrows crossed. I looked at both of my sides and realized that she's talking to me. "Long time no see!" She hugged me and smiled widely.

"Uhm..." this is very meladroit. "D-Do I know you?"

She laughed softly, "Don't you remember me? Jisoo? Your dormmate when you were in high school?" I still have no idea who she is. As far as I know, I was on the news. Maybe she wasn't informed.

"I'm sorry. I have no idea of who you are." I honestly said and her smile faded. "I have an amnesia."

"Oh, is that so?" I nodded. She gained her smile back and we walked together as we head towards the exit of the hospital. "So you completely lost your memory?"

"Yeah, I think so." I nodded. "I don't know what my name is. Not until you called me Taehyung."

"Ah, let me give you some information about yourself." She grinned. "Your name is Kim Taehyung. You're already 25 years old and you live here in Seoul."

"Do I have some relatives?" I asked her.

"You're the middle child of your family. I think, the only relative you have left is your noona and dongsaeng." She explained. So I still have a family? "But I don't know where your parents are. You told me before that your mom died. You don't know where your dad is." I felt my heart sink. So I'm an abandoned child already? I have no parents left. But I'm happy to know that I still have a noona and a dongsaeng.

"What are you doing in the hospital?" I asked her and she chuckled.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm a doctor." I just noticed the long white lab gown that she's wearing and under that is a dress. "I've been in an overnight duty. I'll just go home."

"Do I have a home?" I inquired. I don't know if I have a house.

"Well, I don't know." She shrugged both of her shoulders. "All I know is that you share a house with your fiancé."

"Fiancé? I have a fiancé?" I asked her again and she nodded. So this means that I'm supposed be married?

"Yeah." My heart sank. If I have a fiancé, I won't be able to find the girl that I saw in the hospital yesterday. "What with the down face?" She must've noticed that I felt kinda sad.

"It's just..." I half-smiled. "...I saw someone and I think I like her already."

"Was it love at first sight?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, Sana has to know about this."

"Who's Sana?" Who is she? I thought. I don't have any idea who she is. What is her relation to me? Is she my noona?

"Sana is the name of your fiancé." She was about to take her phone out, but I stopped her. "What?"

"Please don't contact her." I begged her. Her eyebrows crossed upon my statement. "I'm not ready to see her or any of my friends right now."

"But they have to. They must know that you're alive." She insisted.

"Please, Dr. Jisoo, respect my decision." She sighed and put her hands on the pockets of her lab gown.

"Where will you live?" I didn't answer. I don't have plans yet. I just got out of the hospital, I have no contact with my relatives and I don't know where my house is. I heard her sigh, "Alright. I'll let you live in my house for a while."

"Y-You will?" I asked, surprised from what she said. "I-I don't know what to say!" I hugged her and she laughed in return. "T-Thank you so much, Jisoo!"

"Yeah, but I have to tell this to my boyfriend first." She told me and I nodded. "Do you want me to bring you to my house, so you could rest?"

"I've had enough rest, Jisoo." I pouted. "I'm bored. I want to have fun."

"You'll have so much fun if I'll bring you to Sana." She told me and I suddenly felt somewhat annoyed.

"Don't bring me to Sana. I don't want to be with her or even meet her." I told Jisoo seriously. Her eyebrows crossed hard.

"What? Why?" She asked.

I sighed, "It's just...I have no plans on seeing her."

"Were you thinking of that girl you mentioned?" She asked me and I shrugged my shoulders. "That girl will break you and Sana's relationship."

"I want to find that girl that I saw. I want to see her. I want to be with her."

"How can you be so sure with what you're saying?" She chuckled. "You just saw that girl once, Tae."

"But when I saw her, my heart skipped a beat. My world slowed down, Jisoo." I told her. She looked at me with sympathy, but it looks like she can tell what I am saying. Maybe she knows what I feel since she has a boyfriend. She can relate.

"Oh, I don't know, Tae. Sana...well, she loves you so much. She will be extremely hurt." She told me. "Let me take you home." She led me to her car and she drove us to her house. She called her boyfriend, Jinyoung, and told him that I'll be living with her for a while.



The next morning, I immediately looked for dad. He told me that he'll be going to the hospital, and I want to go there to see Tae, but mom prohibited me. She told me that it's bad for the baby if I'll be stressed. And so, I was left in the house.

I was thinking of Tae the whole time. I wish he's healthy and I wish we'll see in no time. But my heart is aching whenever I recall the fact that Tae doesn't know who I am. He has no idea who am I in his life.

After an hour or so, dad and mom came back. I stood up right away and asked them.

"Mom, dad, did you see Tae? How was he? Is he with you right now? Does he really have an amnesia or it's just a temporary memory loss?" I asked them. Mom held my shoulders and looked at me with pity.

"He's not there, Sana." She told me and I felt that my legs went weak. I sat on the couch and shook my head.

"H-He's there, mom. The authorities said that he's there. I saw it on TV." I convinced them, but they just shook their heads continuously. My tears began falling one by one. "B-But...h-he's there."

"He wasn't, Sana." Dad answered. "We asked all of the staff in the hospital. They said that he was discharged and he left the hospital."

"What kind of doctor does that hospital has?! Letting a man go out with no memories left? How can he live?" Mom hugged me and I cried on her shoulder. "T-Tae is there."

"We'll find him." Mom assured me. "Okay, sweetie? Go upstairs. Crying is bad for the baby." Mom and dad helped me to go to my room. I threw myself to bed and tried sleeping, but I couldn't. My tears are continuously flowing and I can't stop it.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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