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As soon as Sana hopped inside Yuta's car, she was kissed by him on her lips. She smiled a bit and put the seatbelt on. They headed to a restaurant and while Sana is waiting for them to arrive at the restaurant, she can't help it but to think about what Tzuyu yelled inside the coffee shop earlier.

What do they mean that they know? How can they say that if I'm not yet giving details? And what truth are they talking about? She feels like her brain will blow up because of so many questions inside her mind. She's so zoned out that she didn't realize that they already arrived at the restaurant. Yuta has been calling her name repeatedly and got confused when Sana didn't bother on looking at him. He finally patted her arm which made her look at him.

Yuta smiled, "We're here, honey." Sana was a little bit shocked. She looked through the window and gazed upon the restaurant. She faced Yuta and smiled. She took off her seatbelt and hopped off from the car. Yuta immediately went to her so he could help her. Sana's baby bump is getting bigger and bigger throughout the days.

"I can walk, honey." She giggled while Yuta just let out a soft chuckle. She intertwined her fingers with Yuta's. A waiter led them to a table for two and asked for their orders.

Yuta noticed how silent Sana is as soon as the waiter fled from them. Sana is thinking about that blurred guy from her dreams and what just Tzuyu said. She's still bothered. Yuta held her resting hand on the table and smiled at her. Her eyes went to him and when she saw him smiling, she smiled back.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" He asked her. Sana sighed, looked down and just shook her head. "Hey, honey, you can tell me." Yuta held her chin and raised it.

"I've been thinking about something for a while," she answered. She's hesitating if she should say the thing that has been bothering her. If she will say it, Yuta might forbid her from talking to Jungkook and Tzuyu. And even to her other friends. She will lose contact from them and she'll be taken away from Taehyung because they might see each other. She decided not to tell him about it. "I think I'm just stressing myself."

"Yup and that's bad for the baby." Yuta tucked her hair behind her hair and caressed her cheek. Sana neared her face to his and kissed him on the top of his nose. Yuta giggled like a little girl. "I love you."

"I love you, too." She answered and their orders came.

It was a little bit wrong to follow Sana, but Tzuyu and Jungkook still did. They entered the same restaurant and sat on a table far from them, but they would still be able to see Yuta and Sana clearly. They actually saw everything. Those gestures that the two give to each other. How Yuta's eyes glisten whenever Sana feeds him and how Sana's eyes smile whenever he does the same.

"How can we tell Sana about it?" Jungkook asked Tzuyu. Tzuyu sighed and just continued on eating her food. "I can see how affectionate she is towards him."

"I don't know, but I'm losing hope. She avoids herself when it comes to those talks." Tzuyu told him. "I don't know what should we do for them."

"What if we're the only ones who wanted the two of them to be together again?" Jungkook asked her again. "What if Sana doesn't have any feelings for Tae? As in, legit feelings. The feelings that she felt for him years ago."

"Maybe Tae is the only one hoping for them." Tzuyu sighed. "She's his sweetest first love after all. You can't forget about your first love."

"How about Sana? He's her sweetest first love, too, right?" Tzuyu nodded at Jungkook's question. They glanced at the two from time to time to check what are they doing. The couple seems very happy, but Sana feels empty. She feels like something is still incomplete.

Tzuyu and Jungkook fled after eating. They can't do anything now. After seeing how affectionate the two are, they gave up. They lost hope for the two.


Yuta brought Sana back home and went back to the headquarters right away. Sana felt a little bit sad after he left her, but she understood that Yuta has work to do. She just sat on her couch and played with her phone.

Meanwhile, Irene brought Taehyung to the park, so that they could just talk to each other sincerely. Irene wanted to clear one thing to him, so she grabbed this chance to talk to him.

"Tae," she called him and Taehyung hummed a yes. "Can I clear something?"

"What's that?" He asked.

"You can't just cry forever, you know. You can't just cry about the fact that Sana forgot who you are. You can't just cry about the fact that she doesn't love you anymore," she paused and faced him. Taehyung's smile faded and he lowered down his head. "So I wanted to ask you this question. Do you still want to chase her or do you just want to move on from her?"

Irene has a point. Taehyung keeps on crying and crying whenever he thinks about Sana. He should do something about it besides crying. He should decide what should he do and he should also act. Irene got the fact that her friend is heart broken, but he can't just be miserable every single day of his life. She asked her those questions because she wanted to know what will Taehyung do. She will surely support her friend whatever decision he'll make.

"I want to go to her." He faced Irene and half-smiled. "I want to know if she still loves me. I want her eyes to do the talking."

"And after that?" Irene asked.

"If she still does, then I'll fight for us, but if she doesn't..." he sighed. "...maybe I don't have any choice but to give up. I can't force someone to love me back, right?"

"Are you sure of that?" Irene asked, worried. Taehyung nodded, stood up and started walking away from her. "Where are you going?" She asked and followed him.

Taehyung placed his hands inside the jacket and answered, "I'm going to her."

"Do you know where she is right now?"

"No, but I'd still find her." He called a cab and then they both hopped in. "I'd find her even though that this is the last time that I might see her." Y


They paid the driver and hopped off. Taehyung gazed at the familiar structure in front of him. It's their house. He theb pressed the doorbell. He was nervous as he's waiting outside the house. He breathed in and out repeatedly just to contain what he's feeling.

He then heard the gate's noise. He looked straight at Sana who opened the gate to check out who pressed the doorbell. She was in shock.

Taehyung smiled and reviewed all of her face features as if that was the last time that he'll see her. She's so beautiful. He said inside his head. They are awkwardly standing and staring at each other.

"Hi," he decided to break the silence between them. He doesn't know what should he ask her. Should he tell her if she loves him right away? Sana would be shocked if he'll say it frankly.

"Y-You're the guy from the convenience store, right?" Taehyung nodded at her question. He even chuckled and Sana heard her heart beat pound louder than ever again. "H-How did you know where I live?"

"I just know," he smiled shyly. "I live with you before." He whispered. Sana didn't hear what he said, tho. "I want to introduce myself to you before I go." Her eyebrows crossed and she looked really cofused. He handed her his own hand, "I'm Kim Taehyung."

Kim Taehyung? It sounds familiar. She took his hand and she felt something again. "Minatozaki Sana." He backed away a little and just stared at her beautiful face.

"Do you still love me?" He asked that out of nowhere. He was zoned out, but he was shocked when he heard himself ask her the question.

Sana is so focused on his face as if she's trying to remember all of his moles, stubbles and every little detail on his face that she didn't notice that she answered, "Yeah."


Follow my twt acct: @dubugh

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