a c k n o w l e d g e m e n t

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Congratulations on reaching this part of the book! You're jjang!

Okay, so first of all, as usual, I will thank Him for giving me such talent in writing stories. He gave me this ability and I think it is only right for me and Him to share it to you guys ❤

Secondly, let me thank the Wintermiracles, Squirliens, Wintersakuras and the 4DCouples who supported this series from book one until the second book. Please do support the book 3 ❤

Thirdly, let me thank my virtual fam. To my nanay (mom in english) here in SNS, Nanay Mei, thanks a lot for the support ❤ I love you. And then, to my virtual kids: Daniel, Loniel, Tami, Angge and Chelsea, thanks a lot for supporting me as well. I love you ❤

Fourthly, I want to thank these people: Sid, Coleen, Hani, Becca, Xia, Mikhaela (yieee kilig si ela hahaha), Gwyn, Jem, Mich, Krys Raya and MJ. Thanks for the support and love you gave me as well. Thank you for giving me motivation ❤ (kahit 'yung iba sa inyo, inaasar ako palagi. *ehem* ELA *ehem*)

Lastly, I want to thank to YOU, yes. To the one who is reading this right now. You've been there through the whole journey. You've been there since my first ever book. You've been there even though I put my book on hold several times. You've been understanding my shortcomings as an author. Thank you a lot ❤

By the way, Found My Sweetest First Love (MSFL Book 3) has been published on November 6th (my birthday lol), Philippine Standard Time. It will serve as a gift for you guys. Please do support it!

That's all. This has been Jing, your fave author, signing off for FMSFL.

Finding My Sweetest First Love (MSFL BOOK 2) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now