t w e n t y - s i x

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"I-I know him, Hanbin." I glanced at Sana. Her eyes looked worried and she's pointing at the television. I heard her say something a while ago. I think it was a name or something like that. "C-Can you please take me to that building?" She asked. To be honest, she trusts people easily and I think it's kind of bad. Just like what happened earlier, she invited me to go to her wedding and we're total strangers. Why would she invite a stranger to her wedding anyways?

She held my hand and begged, "P-Please." I felt her concern and worry for the guy on the television, so I nodded my head slightly. "Thank you." She said and I helped her get off from the bed. She walked slowly as she's holding her baby bump. I'm afraid that she's going to be stressed again and get hospitalized.

I was about to open the door when it opened from the outside, revealing a doctor and a nurse. They stared at us. I was about to apologize for sneaking out, but I was confused when I saw him smile.

"I just had to say that you can go already." The doctor said and shifted his eyes from me to Sana. I nodded and thanked them. Once they fled from our sight, I helped Sana again from walking. As I was helping her, I called my trusted driver, Sangmin, to tell him to fetch me.

When we got out of the hospital, I saw Sangmin leaning on my car. I waved my hand, so he could see me and once our eyes met, he immediately helped me with Sana and we all hopped in the car.

"Where are we heading, Master?" He asked and I gave him a meaningful, which I think he got. "I-I mean, where are we going, sir?" He asked in a less formal way.

"To the building that was on fire. Do you know where that is?" I asked and he nodded as a response. He then drove us towards the building. I'm glancing at Sana from time to time and I can see her crying. Aigoo, pregnant women are such emotional peeps. I want to comfort her, but who am I anyways? I'm just a normal gentleman to her. Plus, I don't know how should I comfort a pregnant woman. It should be a little bit harder than comforting my crying best friend.

About her wedding, I think I won't go. Her guests would be thrilled to see a stranger there and I think I would be busy because of work.

I paid for her restaurant bill earlier because I'm the owner of the restaurant. I took it as free since there was an incident held inside my place. I also helped her friend and I think that's enough help for her.



Once we reached the place, I immediately hopped out of the car and looked for Tzuyu and Jungkook. There's a lot of people in the area and the smoke can easily suffocate everyone.

"Sana-ssi!" I looked back and saw Hanbin. I didn't bother on walking back towards him and just continued on searching for my friends. I'm really nervous and I'm having a hard time breathing since the smoke is slowly killing me.

But thank God when someone put a mask on my face. When I glanced at that particular someone, it was Hanbin. He's also wearing a mask and I can tell that he's smiling under his mask since his cheekbones moved upwards.

"Thank you." I said quickly and continued on looking for my friends. I can feel that he's following me. I saw the deceased employees lying on the side. Some employees' body was burned, while the others is bleeding. I felt more nervous as I imagine what would Jungkook's state be.

There's a barricade of policemen in the area and they're guarding the lifeless bodies of the deceased. Other people are trying to pass through them, but the policemen are too strong. I tried passing through them as well, but just like the others, I was pushed. I was about to try again, but Hanbin held my arm.

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