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"I am not drunk!" Taehyung's eyebrows crossed upon hearing a customer's yell. "Tae! Tae! I need to talk to you!" He suddenly stopped from walking and glanced at Dino. A part of his head hurted, but he was able to endure it. He twitched a little as he stared at Dino's face.

Why does he know my name? Is he part of my past? Is he my brother? He asked those questions inside his mind. He wanted to talk to Dino, but he doesn't know who he is in the first place, so he walked away instead.

"You were great!" A girl, probably older than him but it doesn't show, approached him. He awkwardly smiled and scratched his nape. "Taehyung, right?" He nodded repeatedly. "I'm Irene. I'm your schoolmate before, but it seems like you don't remember me anymore."

"Y-Yeah, it's because of my amnesia." He answered, chuckling. He suddenly wondered why isn't his head hurting when he saw Irene. She's part of his past, but it looks like she wasn't important because he's looking at her right now and his head didn't feel any pain. "I'm glad to see you."

"You did well earlier." She smiled. "Wanna go grab dinner?" She's smooth. Taehyung thought. He hesitated to answer yes, but he still did. At least he's got a friend now.

They both headed to the nearest convenience store in the place and grabbed snacks to eat.

"Do you know any stores where could I buy a squirrel stuffed toy?" He asked a question randomly and Irene was a little bit shocked, but recovered instantly.

She slurpped her soup and nodded, "There's a toy store three blocks away from here." She answered. She thought of Sana right away when he mentioned the word squirrel. She knows that the two are engaged, but she doesn't know if they already met each other. So she grabbed the chance to talk about that issue while eating dinner with him.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?" She asked hesitantly. Taehyung shook his head sideways and continued on eating his noodles. She sighed before asking, "Did you meet Sana?" Taehyung stopped from eating and put his chopsticks down. "I mean, Sana is your fiancé's name, if you don't remember--"

"No, I have not yet met her and I don't have any plan on meeting her." She was surprised of how Taehyung handled her question. His tone is a little bit annoyed, uninterested and showed a lot of hate. She wondered why.

"H-How come did you--"

"I met a friend who knows me. She told me about Sana, but I told her not to give any information about me if they will ever meet." He told her. Irene drank her bottled water and lent her ears while he's telling. "This is crazy, but I saw a woman and my heart just pounded wildly. I'm still thinking about her and I can't take her off of my head."

Irene felt sad, "Isn't that a little unfair for Sana? She loves you and you just saw a girl and fell instantly. Maybe it's just a crush." Irene is clearly happy when she saw Taehyung tonight, but felt sad for Sana. To be honest, Irene liked Taehyung before and didn't bother on asking him out or confessing because she knew that Taehyung already has a love interest, which is Sana.

"No, it's not a crush." He shook his head. "Do you know this feeling that your heart just instantly jumps whenever you see someone--"

"And you feel like your day is already whole after seeing him/her?" She cut him. Taehyung pointed at her, saying that she totally gets what he's saying. She knows that feeling because that's what she felt for Taehyung before and maybe, until now. "Sana needs to know about this."

"She's not important for me." Taehyung said with conviction. As if he doesn't really want to see her.

Irene sighed, "Can you, at least, tell me about the girl that you fell in love with first sight?"

Taehyung nodded and rested his chin on his palm, "She has the most beautiful hazelnut eyes that I have ever seen. Her flowy blonde hair suited her perfectly. I love how pointy her nose is and the way that she smiles makes me just want to be with her forever." Irene knew that while Taehyung is telling her how beautiful that girl is, he really fell into the deepest downfall. He's head over heels for that girl. Irene thought.

"It's like your describing a perfect lady," she jested and they both let out a soft chuckle. "Did you have a chance to get her name?"

Taehyung pouted, which made Irene red. She found it really cute. "No. I have seen her a lot of times, yet I didn't have the courage to ask what her name is."

"That's sad."

"But the sadder thing is that it seems like she has a partner." Irene's eyebrow raised upon hearing his answer. "I saw her with a man before. They're buying maternity clothes." They continued on conversing and then decided to go home when they saw how late it is. Taehyung asked Irene to accompany him to the toy store.

"Why are you buying a squirrel stuffed toy, by the way?" She asked him while waiting for their turn to the counter. Taehyung stared at the toy for about two seconds and smiled.

"I'm staying in an orphanage and a kid asked me to buy her a toy like this. She calls me dad." Irene found it cute. She just stared at Taehyung as he converses with the girl on the counter.

They both went home after that. Taehyung entered the orphanage and saw Hee Sung sleeping on the couch. She probably waited for him to arrive.

"Ahjumma," he tapped her shoulder gently and Hee Sung woke up right away. She asked him if he already ate dinner and he just hummed a yes as an answer. "Where's Minrin?"

"Ah, she's upstairs. She's been waiting for you all night." Taehyung helped her stand up and they both went upstairs to get ready to bed. "Do you have work tomorrow evening?"

He shook his head, "I'm not yet a regular entertainer there. Maybe on Wednesday." Hee Sung messed his hair and told him to get some sleep because there'll be parents that will adopt a child tomorrow.


"Why did you bring your friend here?!" Dino was welcomed by his girlfriend's shout. He placed Jeonghan on the couch and ran towards Chaeyoung. "Why are you so pale?!"

"I-I saw Tae." Chaeyoung was petrified after hearing his answer. Dino gulped. "Believe me, baby."

"I-I do believe you." She nodded. "B-But...how?" She asked, confused. She doesn't know how to react since it's a really big news and she's too shocked.

"He's a performer in a bar. I tried catching him, but the bouncers blocked my path." They both talked that their friends, especially Sana, must know about this. "Tell this to Sana, baby."

"She's in Japan because her friend died." As much as they want to tell this to Sana, they can't because she's still mourning about Ryu's death. "She's also pregnant. She might lose the baby if we keep on stressing her."

"Don't you want Sana to know about this?" Dino asked and held her hands.

"I really wanted to tell this to her, but she's in a bad state now, baby." Chaeyoung was really worried of Sana's condition. She's emotionally stressed.

"Then let's tell this to our friends now. I'll arrange a meeting with them." Dino fished his phone and started contacting their friends one by one though it's already late.

He called Jin first, "Why the heck are you calling me at 12 AM, Dino?" Jin asked when he answered his call. He's already asleep and so does Mina.

"I saw Tae, bro."

"WHAT?!" He expected that reaction from him. "Ugh, you're so loud, honey." He heard Mina's complain from the background. He told him the details and said to meet them right now.


HAPPY TAESANA DAY! (Taesana day is celebrated every 29th of the month)

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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