t h i r t y - o n e

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I stopped at a nearby convenience store because my stomach started grumbling. I held it and looked over the counters to choose food. I remembered Tae out of the blue. He always bumps into my head at times like these, especially when I'm alone. I don't know what it means, but I'm certain that it has something to do with me and him...in the past, I guess.

I took some noodles and two bars of chocolates. I also grabbed a large bottle of water. I checked those items out and exited the store. I was walking towards my car when I saw Tae and Irene heading towards...a bar?

Tae smiled at Irene and he's wearing a suit and tie which is pretty formal if he goes to a bar. Irene is dashing in a dress full of sequins. I must admit that they really caught my attention. Out of curiousity, I decided to follow them. I hopped in my car and drove towards the bar sneakily. I did it carefully so that they won't notice me. Even before I can hop off, I checked if they really went in already.

I grabbed my chocolates and brought them on my way to the bar. The bouncer hesitated to let me enter because he saw my baby bump, but I told him that I will just watch the performers. I used my aegyo powers and I guess he can't resist it, so he let me in. I gave him a tip before entering the place.

I was expecting that there will be cigarette smokes everywhere since this is a bar, but there's nothing. It's a decent bar. There's a lot of gentlemen drinking at the bar counter while there are some women drinking at some tables. I sat down on a table and waited for Irene and Taehyung to appear onstage.

"May I take your order?" A waiter asked, but I just shook my head sideways and smiled. He then fled and I turned my attention back to the stage. I saw Taehyung offering his hand and Irene took it gladly. They were both smiling as they're taking steps.

Crack. There's an itsy bitsy teeny weeny crack that occurred in some place of my heart. I don't know why and how, but I just felt it. Something sank. Something felt like it's not right and it will never be right.

They sat on the stool and introduced their songs. I stayed hidden by hiding in the shadows. Good thing they're not able to see me. After a few words, Taehyung strummed his guitar and said the first word of his song.

I felt goosebumps all over my body. I never knew that he has a cold and deep voice like that. I never knew that he could sing so well. He sings better than me.

"Am I good?"

"I'm better."

My head ached for a second, so I held it. Those two dialogues just popped out of nowhere. The first voice is a little distorted, but it's deep while the second voice is certainly me in a bitchy tone. Who am I talking to before? Since when did that take place? I can't remember!

I massaged my temples and sighed. I opened my eyes and returned my sight to Taehyung and Irene. They're exchanging sweet glances to each other. It seems like they're having fun and it seemed like...they're a real couple. There is this feeling again. It keeps on coming back.

"Yuta..." I whispered. Maybe I'm jealous of the fact that Tae has someone to be with right now while me? Yuta's far away from me. I'm missing him. "Tae..." I'm shocked to hear myself say Tae's name. Why would I mention his name out of the blue, right?

"Darling, just kiss me slow. Your heart is all I own," Taehyung is singing those words while he's melting Irene with his eyes. Irene is blushing and continued their song. They're sweet and it's making me jealous. Especially at that moment when Taehyung held Irene's hand and interlocked it with his. "Listening to our favorite song..." their voices blended perfectly.

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