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"Honey," Sana called Yuta. Yuta went out of the conference room and answered his "fiancé's" call. "Honey, you there?"

"Yes, honey?" Yuta asked.

"I'm going to the mall. Is it okay with you?" Yuta hummed a yes and quickly told her that he's in the middle of a meeting. Sana apologized and then he hung up. She's dying of boredom because she's just stuck inside her house for hours and she wants to go out and have fun. She's a little bit upset about the fact that she doesn't have friends in Korea, well in fact, she has. She has to enjoy by herself inside the mall and she doesn't know how. She can go shopping, but she doesn't have a friend to be with her. She can look for some baby stuff, but Yuta isn't there with her to help her choose.

She opened her phone and went to the contacts to call her friends. Luckily, Yuta isn't that smart to think of Sana's phone. He forgot to delete her contacts besides his number. She was scrolling through the contacts when a familiar name caught her attention.

"Jeon Jeongguk?" She asked herself. She's pretty sure that it was the name from her dream yesterday night. The guy with a blurry face was jealous of him. She got curious and dialled the number. Her heart is pounding fast. Will this Jeongguk guy answer? She was praying that Jungkook will answer her call, especially now because she wants a companion when she goes to the mall.

She actually doesn't know what her friends' name are, so she just called Jungkook. She's pretty sure that he's a friend of hers. But she also has another reason why she called him. She heard his name when she was dreaming and she has a hunch that Jungkook might know something about the blurred face guy--which is Taehyung, of course.

On the other hand, Jungkook was eating toast at that time when his phone started ringing. He glanced at the caller I.D. and ignored it at first, until he realized that Sana is calling him. He quickly grabbed his phone and answered her.

"S-Sa...na!" He was choking because of the toast. Tzuyu immediately ran towards him and gave him his coffee. She helped Jungkook from being choked and after recovering, Jungkook once said: "Sana!"

"H-Hello?" Sana answered. Jungkook is so shocked that he became the iconic Jungshook at that moment. "I-Is this Jeongguk?"

"Sana! Oh my god!" Tzuyu's eyebrows crossed and grabbed her fiance's phone from him. Jungkook glared at her, but Tzuyu just ignored him. "Hello?"

"U-Uhm, I-I think I dialled the wrong number--"

"Wait, Sana. Is it really you?" Tzuyu was shocked, too. Sana hesitantly hummed a yes from the other line. Tzuyu almost had a heart attack after hearing Sana's voice. "Sana! How did you contact us?"

"Is this Jeongguk?"

"No, I'm Tzuyu. Do you remember?" Tzuyu is wishing that Sana still remembers her because if she doesn't, she doesn't know what to do anymore.

"Tzuyu? I'm sorry. I don't know any Tzuyu." Tzuyu face-palmed and sighed in disappointment. "Look, whoever you are, I need to talk to Jeongguk."

"Why?" Jungkook is just staring at his fiance while eating toast--again. "Don't you remember me?"

"Please hand the phone to Jungkook." Tzuyu has no choice, but to give Jungkook back his phone. He quickly took it from her and asked Sana right away. "Is this Jeongguk?"

"Sanaaaa! I missed you--"

"Can we please meet?" He was startled upon hearing her question. "Uhm, let's meet. I have something to ask you--"

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