t h i r t y - t w o

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I glanced at Sana and noticed that she's still silently crying even though we already arrived at my house. I sighed and crossed my arms as I stare at her. Her eyes, nose and cheeks are already red and I'm worried that it will stress the baby.

"Stop crying already," I told her, but she just ignored me. She continued crying on my handkerchief, covering her face wholly. "It will not do anything good for the baby." I said, but it didn't stop her from crying. I took my gaze away from her and stared at the empty street.

I know what's happening. I knew everything because my sister told me. Dahyun told me what exactly happened.


I tsk-ed upon seeing Sana running away from me. She's so stubborn when it comes to things like that. She keeps on running, even though it will not do anything good.

I was about to go back to my office when I heard Dahyun calling my name. She's alone and she looks confused.

"What is it?" I queried.

She pointed the door where Sana exited, "Why is she running? Running is bad for pregnant women, right?"

"Let her be." I said and continued walking towards my office, but she walked with me. "Why are you here?"

"I'm hungry and I have no money." She pouted. Wow, just wow. She just wants to receive free food from my restaurant, eh? What a sister.

"Just wait there." She jumped because of happiness and even hugged me, thanking me repeatedly for giving her FREE FOOD AND SERVICES. I talked to my waiter to give Dahyun any sort of dish and then I went back to her. We sat down on a table and then her orders came in no time. She's a VIP here, anyway.

I just watched her eat and then a sudden question popped inside my head. "Dahyun-ah," I called her and she faced me with her mouth full of food. She looks like a hamster. "That Taehyung guy..." I can see how her eyes widen a little bit. "Do you know him?" She swallowed her food first and drank her smoothie before answering my question.

"Why'd you ask?"

"I'm curious."

"He's a friend of mine--"

"I mean, what is his relation to Sana?" Her eyebrows furrowed. She put down her chopsticks and looked at me seriously. "Is that a confidential topic to talk about?"

She sighed, "They were a couple." Were? Were a couple? So they became a couple in the past? Is that why Taehyung is avoiding her? "They were lovebirds since high school, but Sana moved to Japan and after a few years, they met again. They decided to get married after settling their feelings, but Taehyung got in a car accident and lost his memories while Sana found out that she's bearing Taehyung's child. But then, Sana gets some voodoo and stuff and forgets her memories about him while Tae regained his memories." I am honestly speechless right now. Their story is like a drama.

"So...does Taehyung still love her?"

"From how he acts right now, I don't know. Maybe he's trying to move on from her." She looked stressed. I think they're doing their best to get them back together, but eventually gave up.

But Sana gets voodoo-ed by someone, so it means that she forgot who Taehyung is? That's some complicated shit.

"Their relationship is a waste." She pouted and continued eating. I can't stop thinking about Taehyung's and Sana's fate.

Finding My Sweetest First Love (MSFL BOOK 2) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now