Fun on the Farm

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Niall and I have been dating for a year and a half now.  Finally, I decided it was time to take him to meet my grandparents, who own a farm.  Niall doesn't know it yet, but I offered to help my grandpa out for the day, and kinda volunteered Niall to work too.

"Ready to leave?" I ask Niall, who's getting ready in the bathroom.

"Yeah," he replies. "How long are we going to be there though, isn't it a two hour drive?"

"Yeah, but we'll have fun. My grandparents will love you, and at 7, we're going to follow my old childhood tradition of watching a Packer game(A/N, any Packer fans out there), eating string cheese, Ritz crackers, and drinking Coca-Cola. It might not sound fun but it is," I explain.

Niall comes out of the bathroom, and we both leave.  Once we're in the car, Niall turns to me and asks, "What are we supposed to do for five hours?  It's noon, we'll get there at two, are we just going to sit and talk the whole time?"

"No," I say with a smile, knowing that he has no idea he's going to be put to work.  Am I evil?  "I can give you a tour of the land, show you my tractor, lots of things."

~2 hours later~
We walk into my grandparents house, and I hug both of them.  Niall gives my grandpa a handshake, and my grandma a hug.  While Niall's talking to my grandpa, I grab him some overalls from the hall closet. I walk over to Niall and hand them over.

He looks at me confused.  "What's this for?" he asks.

"For you," I reply with a smirk.  "Go get changed, we're doing some farm work today."

Niall comes out of the bathroom in the overalls, looking absolutely adorable.  "Babe, you look so cute!" I exclaim.  He playfully scowls, knowing we were going to be passing the time by working.  I take him up to the machine shed first.

"Ok, we're going to rake the hay.  We rake the hay from May to October here, so start the tractor," I command.

"But I don't know how," he whines. 

I let out a sigh, "What do you think I'm here for?  Ok, sit up on the seat," he does as I say.  "Now, push in the clutch, pull the switch out, push the starter button and pull the choke at the same time," I explain, pointing to each thing as I say it.  He follows the instructions and the engine roars to life.  "Ok, now this clutch is sensitive, so let it out slowly," I say.

He lets it out way too fast, the tractor bucks forward and the engine dies.  He looks at me apologetically.  This could be harder than I thought.

We finally get the tractor started and rolling.  I showed him how to rake the hay, and we quickly rake the entire field, taking about an hour and half, considering it's a fairly large field, which normally takes two hours for me to do.

When we bring the tractor back to the shed, Niall smiles at me.  "We crushed that field, you thought that would take us five hours?" He laughs.

"Aw, that's cute, you think we're done," I smile mischievously, while he lets out a groan of exasperation.

I take him to the barn, "I'm gonna teach you how to milk Lou," I state, dragging him by his hand.

"What?" He exclaims in confusion, immediately thinking of his band mate.

"Chill, Niall.  Lou is the name of my cow."

I set a stool down by the Holstein, and call Niall over.

"C,mon, don't they have machines for this?"

"Yep, but it's more fun and traditional to do it the old school way.  You have to do this at least once in your life."

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