Pregnant and Scared(Part 2)

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Anybody else find the baby in the pic a little creepy?
Niall's POV
She hands me a jar, the heck?  She goes upstairs, and it almost seems like she's crying.  I unscrew the jar and there are four sticks in it.  I pull them out and see each stick has two lines on it.  I recognize these as pregnancy sticks, as Denise had them at her and Greg's house.  The writing on the side says that two lines means...pregnant!
"WHAT? NO NO NO! THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!" I shout. Quickly, I sprint up the stairs and end up slamming face first into our door. I stumble back and hold my nose, that may have broken it. I try the handle and she locked it, of course. "Y/N, open the door!  I will break it down!"

I'm probably strong enough to break it if I tried. I back up and start running, ramming my shoulder into the door. Instead of it breaking, I end up bouncing off it and groaning in pain. Why did I do that?

I stand back up as I hear the door opening. She has an overnight bag with her, is she leaving? Of course she's leaving Niall, why would you think of such a dumb question.

"I'm not getting rid of this baby Niall, and you don't want it so, goodbye," she says, eyes red and puffy from crying.  I feel bad that she hurts right now, but my brain is still in denial about the whole baby thing.

She's about halfway down the stairs when I shout out, "How do you even know this baby is mine?"

"Are you kidding me right now?"

"Every time I go to work, you probably have some different guy over every day. We use protection all the time, so there's no way this baby could be mine," I say, realizing that was stupid right after I say it.

"Niall, I cannot believe you're accusing me of cheating right now!  I swore on our wedding day that I'd be faithful to you and only you, and I've kept that promise from day 1.  Not even when we were dating did I cheat on you.  And condoms aren't always 100% effective, and we did forget to use one once, on April fools day," she says and leaves the house, slamming the door on her way out.

April fools day?  Oh, I remember now.  She tried to trick me into thinking we were out of condoms as a prank, but I went for it anyways because she's on the pill.  Turns out we still had them and we just got too caught up in it all.

Ok, so she's pregnant. This is not a good time though. My career is the through the roof, I'll be going on a three month tour soon, possibly 5 months depending on how well the tour does, and, I'm scared. I want to have kids with Y/N, I really do, but I'm not ready to have kids looking up to me. Sure some fans call us their idols, but it's different when it's your own kids.  It's not a good time to have kids!  I begin to get angry, how could she do this to me?

No, she isn't the only one at fault, if anyone it's me because I can't seem to control my stupid hormones.  Once the baby has started, there's no going back.  Y/N DOES NOT BELIEVE IN ABORTION.  She's totally against it, she's pretty religious.  Jeez, a baby.

Babies are cute though, and they bring a lot of happiness.  A baby would only bring Y/N and I closer together, and I would have a wonderful family to go home to every day.  Why was I so upset about this?!  I should've been overjoyed.  Instead I told her I didn't want it and then accused her of cheating!  I am the worst husband ever.  She left!  I have to go get her and this baby back. 

I have felt the emotions now of anger, guilt, happiness, then sadness quickly took that over.  I'm happy she's pregnant, but sad that she left. Ok ok, if you were a pregnant Y/N, where would you go?  She doesn't have friends that she would go to for something like this, she's more into family.  Her parents are too far away.  So that leaves her sister.  Oh crap, her sister is so judgemental of me.  They're extremely protective of each other, Y/N is more protective over her though, even though she's younger. Time to go win my princess back.

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