Cheeky Niall

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Is it bad that I want to be that water bottle in the pic?😂
Niall and I had recently started a family, meaning a baby. I was a bit apprehensive, with Niall touring and everything, but he wanted one so badly. He was literally on his knees, begging me, and I couldn't say no to that. Besides, I've always wanted children, I was just nervous.

We had a son who we named Daniel James. Daniel after my grandpa, and James after Niall's middle name. He was a good boy who slept through the most of the night, but would usually wake up once, fussy and wanting to be fed or changed. He definitely took after Niall's love for food.

Tonight was no exception, I was got out of bed and into his room. Niall didn't seem to stir, so I don't think he woke up. "What is it baby, you hungry?"

I lift him up and smell his diaper, at least he doesn't need a change. I sit on the rocking chair in the corner of the room and pull down my top. He latches on and starts drinking. After a little bit, Niall comes in the room, messy bed head and tired eyes, but still looking as hot as he did the first time I saw him.

"I'm sorry, did Danny and I wake you up?"

"No, I just woke up and realized my beautiful wife wasn't in bed with me," he says, smirking. He walks over to me holding Danny and kisses him on the head. Then, he tilts his head just a bit and kisses my boob.

"Niall!" I playfully scold him.

"What? You know I love them," he defends himself.

"Yeah, but I'm busy right now. And it tickles when you do that, especially with scruff.

"But they're especially big ever since Danny started breastfeeding," he defends.

Yeah, but still.  Ok, he's full," I say, standing up.

"I'll burp him," Niall offers. I hand him over and give him the burp cloth, and Niall begins to burp him. I haven't pulled my shirt up yet, and Niall's staring at my exposed breast.

"If you don't want me to attack you right now, I suggest you cover that up," he says, and I blush furiously.

"I'm actually gonna pump some milk right now, my boobs are a bit sore," I say, and pull out the pump. Danny burps and spits up a little on the cloth, so Niall puts him back in his crib and sings him to sleep; he goes out like a light.

Niall comes over to me and says, "So does that stuff just taste like regular milk from a cow?"

"I don't think so, I don't eat grass and I only have one stomach," I joke.

"Would it be weird if I asked to try some?" he asks.

"Um, ok...but I doubt you'll like it," I say handing him a little bit in a bottle while I put the pump away.

"Bottoms up," he says and downs it. He pulls the bottle away from his face and looks like he's about to throw up like Danny. "Ugh, it watery...and salty!" He runs out of the room and I follow him downstairs, just walking. I see him in the kitchen chugging a big glass full of regular 2% milk.

"WHY DOES IT TASTE LIKE THAT?" he shouts when he finishes.

"I'm not sure Ni, but I told you you wouldn't like it," I say with a laugh.

"I understand now why Danny threw it up," he says, and I get a little hurt. I don't like that he's insulting something that I make to have our baby grow up healthy and strong. He notices this and says, "Babe, I didn't mean it like that, I was just joking."

"Well I have tried it, and it is gross. Let's just go back to bed, I'm tired," I say, and we head up.

Around 10 in the morning, I hear Niall get up and sprint to the bathroom. I chuckle to myself as I remember he had that huge glass of milk before going to bed. I assume he's going to get back in bed with me, but he goes to Danny's room when he starts crying.

He comes back the room and I hear him pacing. "I understand that you like your mum's boobs, I do too, but you're gonna have to drink out of the bottle because mum's not awake yet, and I don't want to wake her. I'm not sure why you like this stuff though, it just tastes awful." I start giggling. "Have you been awake this whole time?"

"I woke up when you ran to the bathroom," I explain.

"Oh, well I changed Danny and I'm feeding him as you can see," he states. "Can you say husband of the year?"

"You are the best husband, and an ever better daddy."
Hey guys! I'm not big on the ending of this one, wasn't quite sure how to end it. I released my Niall vampire book, please check it out!  But thank you and love you all! Please vote and comment!

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