BSM Moment

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Request for @Arianadrx
My older brother Niall and I had always been really close. Lately though, he's been acting kinda like a jerk to me, ever since he became a solo artist.

This weekend he decided to come home. I was excited, but also nervous that he'd end up being a stupid arse. We're waiting for him at the airport, when he steps off the plane with his old bandmates, who I actually love. I've always had a bit of a crush on Harry, though he has a girlfriend; but the others are like brothers to me.

He hugs our parents and then comes up to me. "How's my baby sis doin'?" he says and gives me a big hug. Nice Niall? I'm gonna savor this moment in case he turns into a jerk over the weekend, so I hug him back.

The other boys all give me hugs too, and we all head home. We brought two car's over, the regular car and Niall's Range Rover. I expect to ride in the back of my parent's car, but Niall asks me if I want to ride in the shotgun of his car. I immediately say yes and we head home. On the way, Niall's cracking jokes and we're all rocking out to some One Direction, Jonas Brothers, and Hannah Montana. This is the most fun I've had in a long time.

We get home and he heads up to his room with the boys. I know they're going to play video games, and I'm not going to press my luck by trying to go with them. Niall's already been really nice to me today, and I don't want to annoy him.

After a while, mom tells me to get the boys ready because dinner is going to be ready soon. I'm outside his bedroom door and I hear Niall shouting, "I know you cheated Lou!"

"Did not, you just suck!" Louis retorts.

"Niall, don't you dare!" Liam shouts.

I smile and open the door, "Boys, dinner will be ready soon."

"Alright, thanks sis," Niall huffs. He's frustrated, but I'm just glad he's not taking it out in me. I go back downstairs and help mom set the table. When that's done, I go to get them again. They come down with me and we all eat. When we finish Niall and the boys say they want to finish their game, but they promise they'll be back down soon to hang out with us.

When they've been up there for a while, I decide to go check how much longer their game has. I open the door and see Niall is in a bad mood, accusing Louis of cheating again. He sees me and shouts, "Can't you just leave us alone tonight! This is the third time you've decided to come to us and it's sickening! Why do you think I try to avoid you all the time huh? I know you have some pathetic little girl crush on Harry, but just leave us alone. You constantly bothering us isn't gonna make him like you, he would never like you!" I look over at Harry and see him looking uncomfortable, along with the rest of the boys.

He pushes me out and slams the door, "God, she's so annoying!" I hear him say behind the door. Tears stream down my face from sadness and embarrassment. I run into my room and lock myself in there. I also push my chair against the door, so if he tries to pick the lock, it won't work. He did that once when we were younger and I stole his last cookie. I have a mini-fridge and a bathroom in my room though, so I'll be fine.

For the remainder of the weekend, mom, dad, Lou, Liam, and even Zayn try to coax me out of my room. Harry and Niall don't talk to me once. I don't even care anymore, I wouldn't care if neither of them ever talk to me again.

At the end of the weekend, I hear mom's voice outside of my door. "Sweetie, we're taking Niall and the boys back to the airport. Do you want to come say goodbye?"

"No," I say.

"They're standing outside your door with me," she says.

"Bye," I harshly state.

They mumble their goodbyes and I wait to hear the cars start up. Once they do, I look out the window to see both cars gone. I unlock my door and walk downstairs. When I reach the bottom of the steps, I look up and see Niall sitting on the couch, playing with his fingers.

"Niall?" I say angrily.

His head snaps towards me, "Hey sis,"

I try to run up the steps again, but he grabs me by my waist and throws me on the couch. "Look, I didn't talk to you earlier because I wanted to give you some time to cool down and come out of your room, but that didn't happen so you're gonna listen to me now," he states.

"You're supposed to be on your way to the airport," I say, crossing my arms.

"That was a lie, I'm staying for the rest of the week. I just told ma to say that all of us were leaving, but it's just the boys. I would go with, but I wanted you to come out of being a hermit in your room."

I tilt my head to side a tiny bit and glare and at him. He takes a deep breath, "I'm sorry, ok?"

"Is that it?" I ask.

"No, I'm really sorry about embarrassing you in front of Harry and just being a complete dick ever since 1D broke up and I released This Town. And while it's true that Harry will never date you, it's only because he has a girlfriend, he sees you as a little sister, and I told him I would kill him if he did. But I wanna make it up to you by having the best brother-sister week ever," he says.

"Well, if you're trying to apologize, the least I can do is forgive you," I say, standing up and giving him a hug. Then he puts a sloppy kiss on my cheek, which he knows I hate.

"Ew, Niall! That's gross, I have to go wash my face now!"

"Oh come on! Millions of girls would die if I did that them!" he shouts.

"Yeah, but I'm your sister. I know how stupid you really are. They don't know that you used to play dollies with me with flowery hair clips."

"Hey, I only did that because I was being nice to you; you put the clips in my hair,"

"Sure, whatever floats your boat," I say.

"Well, let's get started on our fun week,"

"What's the plan?"

"First, movies, then other fun things like Wii, Just Dance, Kareoke, everything we used to love doing when we're were younger."

"You're the best big brother anyone could ask for," I say, giving him another hug.

"And your the best baby sis ever!"
Hey guys! Like I said, this was a request, which I enjoy doing. Honestly, I love writing for you guys, it's so fun. I'm writing a Niall Vampire story, and I will be releasing it soon. Love you all and thank you! Please vote and comment!

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