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My husband Niall and I owned an old farmhouse.  The kind that creaks and groans, but still has a charm to it.  It's a beautiful house out in the country, and we wouldn't want it any other way.

One summer night, before we go to bed, our dog Scooby was jumping up and down, obviously needing to go to the bathroom.  I let him out and stand by the door to watch him.  He's no puppy, he's a full-grown German Shepard.

"Whatcha doin' babe?"  Niall comes up behind me, resting his hands on my waist, causing me to jump.

"Geez, you scared the crap outta me!" I exclaim.  "Scooby had to go to the bathroom so I let him out."

We stand there for a while until Scooby comes back to the door.  I open it, then look over by the vacant barn.  We have a motion-activated light next to it, which I see is on, meaning Scooby must've gone over there.  As I'm looking, I see what looks like a human figure under the light, walk behind the barn quickly.

"Did you just see that?" I ask Niall, a little freaked out.

"See what?" he asks.

"Nothing, I thought I saw a person, but my eyes must be playing tricks on me.  It just kinda freaked me out."

"Babe, we're fine.  Even if it was a clown trying to freak us out, you have me to protect you.  Also, if it is someone just scaring people, no one knows we live here.  That's why we have an old farm out in the country, who would expect Niall Horan and his wife to live here?" he asks rhetorically.

"You're right," I say.  I close the door and try to lock it, but for some reason, the lock is broken.

Niall notices this, and says, "I'll get a new lock for tomorrow, but for tonight, we'll just...."  He grabs a chair and leans it under the lock, so you can't open it from the outside.

"I had to do this once at a motel," I say.

"What kinda crappy motel did you stay at?" he asks.

"I don't know, I was young, it was like, three in the morning in North Dakota and my parent were tired.  I remember the door didn't lock, so we had to use a chair, there was a spider in the shower, and some tiny door in the corner of the room that I have no idea where it led."

"Freaky," is all he has to say.  We check the other doors to make sure they're locked, and head to bed.  Niall falls asleep right away, but I have trouble sleeping.  I walk over to the window and look at the barn again.  The light is out now, but the moonlight allows you to see a bit.  Suddenly, I think I see a figure again, only this time it's up in the hayloft.

I run over to Niall and shake him awake.  "Niall!  Niall!"

"What?" he mumbles.

"I saw a figure again, they were in the barn this time!"

"Y/N, you're just psyched out from earlier.  Remember the 'ghost' incident?"

When we first moved into this house, I saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye.  I thought it was a ghost, but Niall said there was nothing there and that my eyes were playing tricks on me.  Then, I kept thinking I was seeing things, but it turned out to be Niall walking or something.  I get paranoid easily.

"Yeah, but this was real!" I insist.

Niall sighs, gets out of bed, and throws on a jacket.  "Stay here, I'll be back," he orders.  I watch from the window as he grabs Scooby and a flashlight, and heads to the barn.  Haha, Scooby going to investigate, and Niall is like Fred.

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