One in a Million

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Niall and I have had an on/off relationship for the past month.  We both liked each other, but the timing is wrong.  He's going off on tour soon, and he has an album to record.

I'm hanging out with him tonight, because he goes on tour tomorrow.  We haven't kissed yet, but I know he won't now.  He's not gonna want a girlfriend on tour.  I'm not sure how he's going to be touring and recording, but Elvis would record when he came home from war.

I reach his house, and he puts in a movie. "Ok, what movie are we watching?" I ask.

"Our movie," he replies.

"Our movie" is the movie Signs. It was the first movie we watched together. I loved watching it as a kid, and he liked it when I showed him. During the movie, we kinda end up cuddling. We have fun, and eventually it's time for me to go.

"Hey Y/N, I hate to tell you this, but I'm not gonna be able to contact you much. I'm going to be really busy, but I swear, my feelings to you will not change," he says, leaning in and kissing me gently on the lips. Butterflies erupt in my stomach, and he slowly pulls away.

"I think I'm in love with you," he says, and opens his eyes.

"I think I'm in love with you too," I reply, biting my lip.

"When I get back, I'm gonna ask you to be my girlfriend."

"I wouldn't want anything more."

*Last day of tour*
Niall comes home later tonight and I honestly could not be more excited. We've been texting occasionally and neither of our feeling towards each other have changed. If anything, I feel stronger for him; absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I'm cleaning my room, and turn on the radio. The first song that pops up is This Town. I sing along to his beautiful voice until the song ends and the announcer comes on. I'm about to shut it off, but he starts talking about Niall's album debut party.

"Yes, our favorite Irish boy is releasing a full album. His debut party is tomorrow evening, and everyone who's anyone will be there. The old One Direction boys have already confirmed they will be there to support him. And we all know his girlfriend Selena Gomez will be accompanying him. Yes girlfriend, as the couple has been seen together on numerous occasions holding hands and kissing in public, but have not made it official to the press.  They will be performing a duet together that is on the album at the party, we wish them the best. Now, here's California King Bed to start off our Throwback Thursday program."

I shut the radio after the announcement. Betrayal, pure and utter betrayal. All those times he texted me that he still has the same feelings about me, kissing me before he left. All the while, I sat at home like an idiot, buying into his sweet words.

I text him, "Thanks for telling me you have feelings for me, but you don't bother to let me know you have a girlfriend. Everything you said was a lie, and I hope you're happy with her."

I sit on my bed and begin to cry. Almost immediately he texts back, "You've got it all wrong, I'm only dating her to promote the duet on the album, I was forced :(. Please take me back."

"I'm not taking you back after you kissed me, left, then came back with a girlfriend, goodbye."

I block his number and collapse on my bed, crying.  After about 20 minutes, I hear the doorbell ring.  It better not be him, or someone's gonna have a black eye.  He's not going to be back until later though, so it shouldn't be him.

I open the door, and it's a man with flowers.  I let him in and a bunch of other guys come too, and they have to go back multiple times to grab them all.  I grab the note off one of the bouquets, and read it.  "Please, all I'm asking for is one more chance!"

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