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"Hey Niall?" I ask.


"Can you please not throw your dirty clothes EVERYWHERE? I've had a really long day and now I have to pick this all up."

Thinking back, you did have a long day. First, the washer went bad, then the toilet was plugged from your husband's lovely morning business, after that, a broken dish cut your foot, the lunch you ate turned out to be expired so you threw it all up, you got an call saying your old dog died, and finally, you dropped one of Niall's guitars on your foot, luckily it didn't break, but it really hurt your foot.

"You've had a long day? I'm the one who's had a long day. I was in the studio for eleven hours with barely any breaks. You just sit around at home all day, living off of MY MONEY, and now you're complaining about some clothes?" he starts to shout.

"Niall, I offered to get a job but you said 'oh no babe, I got everything covered. You just stay at home and be kinda like a housewife.  You can even work on the books you want to publish and be a famous author, I know you have that kind of talent'. Who said that Niall huh?"

"You're so lazy! I wanted a wife, not a control freak who does nothing all day but sit on her fat lazy bum!"

"So what, you want me to leave?"

"God, you're so selfish! Not everything is about you 'princess'!" he shouts mockingly. "Maybe it would be better if you leave, I wouldn't have someone bothering me 24/7..." he mumbles the last part.

"Fine, you want me to leave, I'll leave!" I shout, going to the front door. I hear him shouting after me about how he didn't mean it, but I just keep going, and slam the door shut.

I walk quite a ways, and continuously feel my phone blowing up with texts from Niall. I don't open them, but the texts all say things like "I'm sorry" "please come home" "it's late out, be safe" "where are you, I'll pick you up" etc...

That last text really stood out to me. "Where are you?" Where am I? I was so lost in thought and tears that I took a bunch of wrong turns and ended up somewhere random. I look around and try to get my bearings. "Crap," I say to myself. I try to take note of landmarks. Okay, lamppost, cracked sidewalk...oh who am I kidding, those are on practically every corner.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps behind me. I start walking and don't turn around.  They speed up so I do too.  Footsteps from my side come to, I decide to call Niall, they always say talking on a phone is smart.  I pull out my phone, dang, dead.  I'll act like I'm talking to him anyways, maybe that'll deter them.

I start saying things like "hey Niall? Yeah, I'm almost home.  You made dinner, great," and other stuff, but adding in pauses.  I think I've almost gotten to a part of town I recognize, when someone behind me grabs me and puts his hand over my mouth.

"I know your faking that."

Niall's POV
God, why am I such an idiot.  She's not lazy, she's an amazing wife who does such a good job taking care of me.  I just had a crappy day at the studio and I took it out on her.  My voice was worthless and any idea I had got shot down almost instantly.  She said she had a long day too, but it was probably nothing compared to mine.

I should probably look for her, but it's dark and we live in a huge city. Wait, IT'S DARK AND WE LIVE IN A HUGE CITY! She could be in serious trouble. It gets even more dangerous at night. She was also probably so upset she wasn't paying attention where she was going, in need to find her!  I try calling her, but it rings and goes to voicemail, dang.

I grab my car keys and am about to leave when the house phone starts ringing. Maybe it's her! I literally dive for the phone, "Hello?" I ask, breathless.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now