Christmas Surprise

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For @mnh0826
"It's Christmas!  It's Christmas!  It's Christmas!"  I jolt awake to my husband jumping on me while shouting.

"Niall," I groan. "You're worse than a five year old. Go back to bed," I say while pulling the covers up to my head.

"Oh no you don't!" he exclaims. He grabs the covers and yanks them off the bed.

"Niall! It's freezing!"

"Don't care, you're getting up and we're opening presents. Plus, I get a good view of your bum now," he says with a smirk.

I blush, realizing I just wore panties and a tank top to bed because Niall felt like he couldn't cuddle any closer, and he's really hot, in more than one way(A/N, am I right?😏).

I grab some sweats and go to our baby daughter's room. I always wanted a girl so I could name her Anna Grace. Niall was so excited when he found out I was pregnant, probably more than me, he almost fainted.

"Hi Anna, how's my baby girl doing? Merry Christmas," I say, even though I know she can't understand me. She was just born a couple weeks ago, and we couldn't be happier. Niall and I have been married for a year and three months, only 6 months when I found out we were expecting. We were planning to wait two years before having a kid but, uh, oops?

"Alright babe, ready for gifts?" Niall comes up behind me while I'm holding Anna.

"Yeah, I guess," I say sadly, while tearing up. We were supposed to go to my family back home for Christmas, but we had to cancel because we thought Anna had gotten sick, but it turned out to be something simple and she was feeling better after a while.  We tried to get tickets again, but all the flights going to Minneapolis were booked until after New Years.

"Ok, let's go!"  Niall opens his first gift, which is Michael Bublé concert tickets, while my first gift was a Barnes and Nobles gift card, because Niall knows I love to read. 

His other gifts were a new watch, clothes, and I even got him a guitar autographed by multiple artists.  He also got me a dress, a princess tiara ring, claiming I'm his princess so I needed a crown to prove it to those who don't know, a super fluffy and warm blanket, a spa kit, and a phone case with a picture of us on it.

"Babe, you didn't need to get me all this," I say, even though I'm smiling. 

"Yes, I did.  And, thank you, I love all my gifts, especially the guitar and the tickets. Now, we need to help Anna open her gifts too." 

We went simple with Anna and got her a thin baby blanket, some onesies, and a box of diapers.  She's not going to know or care, she's an infant, but we still wanted to get her Christmas gifts.  The diapers were more of a gift to us, even we bought them.

"This was a great Christmas, even though I couldn't be with my family, you made it fabulous!" I say, while giving him a kiss on the lips.

"I think you mean fabuLOUIS!" a voice says.  Niall breaks away from the kiss to see all the boys standing in our house.  Of course, Louis was the one to interrupt us.

"BOYS!"  Niall shouts excitedly.  "I thought you were all going to your houses for Christmas," Niall says.

"It was a surprise, Y/N had us tell you we couldn't make it, and then we'd surprise you," Harry explains.

Niall turns to me, "You were in on this?" he asks while smiling from ear to ear.

"Merry Christmas!" I say.

I get a nice breakfast ready for all the boys, and I'm setting they table, and decide to tell Niall to get the boys, and Anna. "Niall!" I shout. Hopefully he hears me, they were all pretty busy playing with Anna upstairs. "NIALL!" I yell louder.

"No need to shout babe, I'm right here," he says. I totally just shouted in his ear.

"Can you bring everyone downstairs? Breakfast is ready," I say.

"No problem," he says and goes to get them. He brings Anna in and feeds her from a bottle, before putting her back to sleep in her crib. He comes backs down and starts loading his plate with pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast, fruit, you name it. After a while of eating and laughing, I notice Niall is texting people. I don't want to say anything, so I shoot him a text telling him to put his phone away. Ironic, but it works.

Suddenly, Niall says, "We're out of butter, I'm gonna go get some." He gets up, grabs his keys and goes. I thought we still had butter, but I guess not.

About 20 minutes later, I see that Louis is out of milk, so I ask him if he wants a refill and he says yes. I open the fridge, and my eyes catch on a small box containing four sticks of butter. Why did Niall lie? I don't have anymore time to question this, because I hear the front door open.

"Niall, we have butter," I say, grabbing the box to show him. I turn round and instantly drop what I was holding. Niall is standing there with my parents, two sisters, and their families.

"Merry Christmas!" they all say with smiles.

"MOM, DAD, MEG, LAUREN!" I shout, running to hug them all.

"How did you guys get here?" I ask.

"Well, after you guys cancelled and couldn't get your tickets again, Niall said he pulled a few strings and he flew us all here in a private jet," my mom explains.

"Hey, don't we get hugs?" their husbands ask. I hug them and all my nieces and nephews, then finally my husband.

"Uh, I've been here all day," he says, confused.

"I know, but thank you. This is the greatest Christmas ever, it's phenomeNIALL," I say.

"God you're so cheesy," he laughs.

"So are you," I reply, thinking of some times when he's been corny, like getting me a princess ring this morning to show that I'm his princess.

"Ok, enough lovey-dovey crap, we want to see Anna," Meg says.

"Ok, she's sleeping right now but you can still see her," I tell her. We take them all to see her, everyone commenting how adorable she is. They all go to finish off the breakfast I made, but Niall and I stayed behind. We can hear them all laughing and talking with the boys.

We're both looking down at our little girl, Niall's arm wrapped around my waist while he stands behind me.

"I love you so much," I turn around and say to him, putting my hands on the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

"I love you too, princess. Merry Christmas," he says, leaning in to kiss me again.

Hey everyone, hope you like this. I know One Direction is broken up, but I'm still adding them in the story. I didn't say if Zayn was there or not, because I'm letting you decide. I know it's not Christmas yet, but hope you have a great one! Don't forget to vote and comment any requests!

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