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I made this story up like my freshman year of high school when I couldn't sleep, maybe you guys can use it when you can't
"Alright Niall, let's go!"  I cheered as my boyfriend Niall went up to bat.  He was on our high school baseball team as pitcher, and a really good batter.  Highest number of home runs and RBIs.

He goes up to bat, swings but misses.  Second, a ball; third, another strike; fourth, a ball, and fifth a ball; full count.  The score was currently tied in the last inning.  If we win this, we go to state.  We were also the home team, and had the bases loaded with two outs.  If Niall strikes out here, it's all over, and he's a senior.  Talk about pressure.

The final pitch comes in and it seems as though it happens in slow motion.  Niall swings and hits it far into the outfield.  After he hits it, everything happens to fast.  Niall is running as fast as possible and the other runs are scoring.  It looks to be an in-field home run.  When Niall gets to second base, his helmet falls off, but he keeps running. 

He's nearing home base and the ball is being thrown in.  Everyone goes silent as we see the ball hit Niall in the head, but he did slide into home base, so we win.  West High can suck it, we're headed to state.

After about 5 seconds, we realize Niall hasn't gotten up, in fact he's laying on the ground.  I run into the field, only to see him unconscious.  His parents, coach, and the physical trainer come over too.  Mike, the schools physical trainer gets a stretcher, and his family helps get him onto it.

They wheel him to the training room, and I follow.   Mike the Trainer gives him a checkup, confirming that he's just been knocked out, so he puts some ice on his head.

For hours we sit there, waiting for him to wake up.  I'm on the counter, my elbows on my thighs, holding my chin up.  His mom is either sitting next to me or him, and his dad is pacing the room most of the time.  His coach left, and Mike is out at the moment.

11:15 PM.  It's getting really late now, maybe we should take him to the hospital.  Just as I'm about to bring the idea up to Mike, we hear Niall beginning to stir.  His mom goes over first, brushing the hair off his forehead.

"Mum?" he groans, "What happened?  Why does my head hurt so much?"

"Sweetie, you got hit in the head playing baseball," she explains.

"And you guys didn't think to take me to the hospital!?" he half yells.

"Mike the Trainer checked you over and you were just unconscious for a while."

I slowly walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck, "I'm so glad you're okay!" I say softly.

"Um, thanks, but who are you?"

"Niall, it's me, you're girlfriend of the last year and a half?"

"Sorry, but I don't have a girlfriend, I think I would know," he says.

I start to tear up, "You don't remember me?"

"Nope, and you're kinda annoying me so could you leave?"

I cry harder at this.  Maura comes and hugs me, leading me out of the room.  "Sweetheart, it'll all be fine.  Just give him some time, he'll remember you."  I can hear Niall talking to his dad in the background, saying things like, "THAT CHICK WAS CRAZY", saying he didn't want to go to the same school as me because I would bother him during the day, even saying I wasn't his type.  Why'd you date me for over a year then? I think to myself.

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now