A New Chapter

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"Niall, where are we going?" I ask.  We just got back from our honeymoon, and Niall said he had a surprise for me.  He freakin blindfolded me and put me in the car.  We've been driving for about an hour now, and I just want to know what he's planning.

"I told you princess, it's a surprise," he replies.

"Well how far away are we from home?  It's gonna take forever to get to the apartment,". I say.

"Don't worry, we're closer to home than you think," he says, and I can hear the smirk on his voice.

After about 15 more minutes of driving, I feel like car finally coming to a stop.  At first, I assume we're just at a stoplight, until I feel Niall fumbling with the the knot of the blindfold.

He finally gets it off, turns my head to the right, and says, "Welcome home babe."

I gasp, immediately wondering if this is real. I pinch my arm, ow, yes, it's real. Niall actually bought my dream house. From the outside, it seems like an old farmhouse, but we've seen the inside. It's the perfect mixture of modern and vintage, and recently renovated. First time I saw it, I fell in love, but Niall didn't seem to be interested.

"Did you really...?" I trail off, too surprised to finish.

"Yes I did. I saw how much you loved it, I loved it too, but pretended not to do I could surprise you. The bigger furniture like beds, couches, and tables have already been set up. All our boxes are inside, we just have to unpack," he says, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I go to rush inside but Niall stops me before I open the door. I look at him confused, until he picks me up bridal style and carries me in. "Gotta carry you over the threshold of our new home," he explains with a smile. "And our room is the one with a balcony."

He sets me down and I run to it. This house is 5 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Seems excessive, but Niall and I want a family, and still have room for when our families visit. We have a bedroom, and we want three kids, which would leave us with a guest room, perfect.

I grab a box and start hanging up clothes.  Niall comes into the room and grabs a random box.  He opens it and asks me, "Where do you want your bras and panties to go?"

"Is that top drawer on the right open?"


"Then I'll take that, and I gave you the left side of the closet just like it was in the apartment, but I took the left side of the bed." I wait for a response, "Niall?" Still no response, so I walk out of the closet. "Niall!" I exclaim.

Niall hasn't put a single item away, instead, he has a pair of my panties on his head and is trying on my bra. He sees me and slowly puts it down, then my panties fall of his head when he looks down. "Sorry, I'll work now."

After I finish hanging up the last of the clothes, Niall comes and wraps his arms around me. "Y/N," he whines, "I'm starving, can we have our fist meal in the new house now?"

"Fine, what do you want?"

"I wanna invite the boys over!"

"I meant to eat, and if the boys get here in time, then I guess they can eat with us,"

"Yay, I'll go call them!"

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