Where's the Ring?

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My best friend and crush Niall invited me to his older brother's wedding. I was also very good family friends with them, so I was already invited, Niall just asked me if I wanted to be his date.

There have been times where I wonder if Niall likes me back. Especially when he throws his arm around me or takes me to eat or the movies. He hangs out with me as if they were dates, but then also talks about this girl he likes that isn't me, but won't tell me her name.

Today is the day of the wedding, and I'm in my room getting ready. It's summer, so I wear a blue flowery sundress that Niall "approved", meaning he told me to wear it. I loosely curl my hair and apply light makeup.

My parents were invited, but they were too busy to go.  I hear Niall enter my house, not even knocking because he's basically part of the family.  "Ready to go Y/N?"

"Yep," I reply, grabbing my clutch filled with the basic essentials; makeup, money, tampons, etc...

We get in his car and head off.  When we get there, Niall takes me to the boys' dressing room, making sure everyone is decent before we go in.  Niall is part of the wedding party, but Greg said he didn't have to get ready with them because Niall wanted to hang out with me.

"Niall and Y/N!  I have a really important job for you guys, can you handle it?" Greg asks us the second we walk in.

"C'mon Greg, were responsible, we can handle it," Niall says.

"I need you guys to watch after the rings. We have two hours before the wedding starts and the guys are being really reckless right now and I'm worried one of them is gonna knock it off the table or something, so just...watch over them."

"No problemo," Niall says confidently.

We grab the rings, and get in a horse-drawn carriage that takes the hotel guests to the church. I put both rings in my clutch.Niall throws him arm around my shoulders and says, "We make a good team." This immediately warms my heart and butterflies explode in my stomach.

Just before we leave, his Aunt Kathy comes up to the carriage, "Oh Niall, is this your girlfriend?"

"No, she's not my girlfriend," he says. This is like a slap in the face, or like killing all the butterflies and replacing them with knives.

"Last family reunion, you said you have a girlfriend,"

"Yeah, I do, but she couldn't make it today so I brought my bestie along instead," he replies. Nevermind the knives, it's bombs.

The man gets the horses going and we're off. I turn to Niall, "So, you have a girlfriend?"

He laughs, "No, I just say that to get my family off my back."

I let out a small sigh of relief. "Oh," is all I say.

The carriage goes over a huge bump and my clutch falls out and onto the ground. Everything spills out and we stop to pick it all up. "Got the rings?" he asks. I look in the bag and see some shiny objects at the bottom.

"Yep," I reply.

"Ok, let's go then."

We reach the church and just roam around for about an hour, and still have an hour to spare. Greg arrives and says, "Ok, I need the rings so I can tie them to the ring bearer's pillow."

"Y/N," Niall says while nodding his head at me.

I reach in my clutch and grab the shiny objects. When I pull it out, I realize it's just a broken mirror. I dig around more and don't find them. I get on the floor and dump out all the contents of my clutch, moving things around looking for them. "THEY'RE GONE!" I shout worriedly.

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