Please Let Christmas Suck A Little Less This Year

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A/N:  If you know what the title is from, then I love you, if not, ask me!
Work, work, work.  It's all I seem to do lately.  As an event planner for a major resort in Wisconsin Dells, I'm almost always busy.  Our motto is "We Work While Others Play". 

It was difficult right now though, because I miss my husband.  Normally, after a long day, I would get home and we'd maybe watch a movie, or eat dinner, and always cuddle at night.  He's doing promo in Europe for his next album though, so it's lonely, especially at night. 

It's not the worst for me though, it's the worst for our two kids, Alex and Juliet.  Our son was 8 and our daughter was 4.  This is the longest they've ever had to go without their dad, and with my major event coming up, they've had to have a babysitter a lot recently.  At night a lot, one of them crawls into my bed, crying because they miss their father.

I'm not this busy unless I have a big event coming soon, which I have an FBI conference to set up, and FCCLA State competition, so about 400 middle and high schoolers.  FCCLA is actually where I found out I wanted to be an event planner though, so I do owe them.  It was this exact state competition that I was in and became a national qualifier for Life Event Planning.

Today though,  I'm making food options when I remember that Niall has a radio interview today.  I find the station and start listening.  The interviews asks the normal questions about his upcoming music, and then starts asking about the family.

"So Niall, did you get Christmas gifts for your wife and kids?"

"Of course I did, I got my daughter nail polish, a doll, and a pink play guitar.  For my son, I got a football, an American football, and a blue play guitar.  They both asked for guitars, and Y/N said she noticed they wanted the other things, so she picked them out," he says.

"And what about the missus?"

"Can't say, just in case she's listening.  I know the kids are at school right now though, so it's safe."

"I bet you're excited to spend Christmas with them."

"Actually, I won't be."

Your jaw drops. Is Niall not coming home for Christmas?  He promised the kids and me that he'd be home.  They're going to be devastated when they find out.  How am I supposed to break the news to them?

"Niall, why aren't you?"

"Well, management said I could be gone for two days, so I figured instead of being jet lagged, I'd just go to Ireland for Christmas.  I also don't want to only be able to see my kids for two days and then have to leave them right away."  Niall's voice cracks at the end.

"Christmas Eve is tomorrow, did you tell your family?"

"Not yet.  I'm gonna call my wife when I get to the hotel though.  And my kids, this is gonna crush them."

The interviewer hums a sound of understanding and sympathy, and then says, "Well, that's all we have time for this week, so join us next week when we find out if Nick Jonas is secretly dating Perrie Edwards!"

I flip the radio off and start to softly cry to myself.  Quickly though, the sadness goes away, concealed by anger.  How could be break that promise?  Just because he doesn't want to deal with a little jet lag?  I think his family is a little more important.

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