Left Behind

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A/N: You and Niall are married in this.
Niall took me on tour with him and the boys, and towards the end, I started feeling sick.  At first I thought it was just a cold, but when my throat started hurting, I was fearing strep throat, since that virus seems to like me.

When I get strep, my throat hurts, I'm throwing up, and I have a fever.  If all those things happen, I most likely have strep.  Niall hates when I get strep because he hates seeing me so sick.

After one of the concerts, we were going to be stopping in a rest stop instead of a hotel because there wasn't much time before the next concert they have.

Sadly, I told Niall he wasn't going to be able to cuddle with me tonight.

"Babe, why?" he whines.

"Because Niall, I'm sick, I can't get you sick, you have to perform," I say, then break into a fit of coughing.

"Aw, princess, this is exactly why I need to sleep with you, to take care of you," he says.

"No Niall, I'll go sleep on the couch.  Goodnight, and I love you," I say, but Niall grabs my wrist.

"I'll sleep on the couch, you need to get a good night of sleep," he insists.

"So do you!" I try saying, but my voice cracks.

"You need it more," he says, picking me up bridal style and taking me to the small bunk.  He literally tucks me in, kisses my forehead, and goes to the couch.  I feel awful, but he wasn't taking no for an answer.

The bus driver informed us that we were leaving the rest stop at 2 in the morning to get an early start, since the city was fairly far away. I would rather leave a rest stop early than get in a bus crash because they are not fun(A/N: I have actually been in a bus crash). Soon after he made the announcement, I fell asleep.

At sometime in the night, I woke up, and instantly had to run to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before my stomach emptied itself. I checked my forehead, yep, burning up.

I really had to pee, but I definitely didn't want to use the tour bus bathroom with it smelling like barf. I looked at the clock in the lounge area. I walk back to my bunk and close the curtains. Only 12:55 AM, I still have an hour before we leave. I slip on my winter boots and step into the freezing winter air. Dang this winter weather in the MidWest.

Before I left, I grabbed $1.50 so I could buy a Sprite, something that always helps settle my stomach. I also didn't want to wake Niall because he looked so peaceful and I know he needs his rest for the show later today.

I walk into the bathroom and do my thing. I ended up staying in there a little longer than expected because another wave of nausea hit me. I ended up not throwing up, and went to get Sprite from the vending machine.

Once I get it, I walk back out to the parking lot, and the bus is nowhere to be seen. There are only semi-trucks left on the other side of the parking lot.

I walk to the other side of the building, I can see the bus starting to pull onto the Interstate. No! I start sprinting after them, but it's hard in the snow. I'm waving my arms like crazy, but the driver doesn't see me in the dark, and they're out of sight before I can catch up to them.

I walk back into the building, tears blurring my vision. Why did they leave? When I left the bus, it was only 12:55. Then my eyes widen I realization, as I remember Niall telling me that certain clock was an hour behind. So it was actually 1:55.

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