Jingle Ball

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Niall had recently proposed to me and basically never wanted to leave my side. That's why Niall insisted I come to Jingle Ball with him. At times though, I wish I hadn't.

Ever since Niall saw Ellie Goulding, he's been ignoring me. I've never liked Ellie, and I dislike her even more since they dated. Every time I bring up the fact that it's a little strange to hang out with your ex so much, he insists that they're "just friends". Always taking pictures together and hanging out.

Today, we were in DC, and I had always wanted to go to The Smithsonian Museum, especially the movie artifacts.

"Niall, do you want to go to the Smithsonian? I thought we could do a little sightseeing today," I say.

"Uh, I might be working a lot today. We can go to lunch though," he says. "I'll have to check my schedule."

We go to the stadium because Niall has sound check. On the way there, he complains how cold it is. I check the weather seeing that it's 48 degrees. "Niall, this is really warm today, my hometown is 9 degrees right now," I say. I'm only wearing a long sleeve shirt, while Niall is bundled up in a thick sweater and a puffy jacket, still complaining.

We quickly arrive at the stadium. Right away, he leaves my side once he sees Ellie. I decide to walk up to them anyways, every time Ellie sees me, she gives me a totally fake smile. At least I became pretty good friends with Shawn Mendes lately.

Again, I ask Niall, "Do you think we could go to the Smithsonian?" He knows how badly I've wanted to go ever since Night at the Museum 2 came out.

"I'm don't think I'm going to be able to babe," he says and places a chaste kiss on my forehead. "Sorry."

Anytime I try to talk in the conversation again, Niall and Ellie totally ignore me, so I walk over to Shawn, who's just strumming his guitar. "Hey Shawn," I say.

"Hey Y/N!" he says brightly, but then notices my sad expression. "What's wrong?"

I decide to just tell him everything I've been feeling. "It's just that this whole tour, Niall and Ellie have been acting all cozy with each other. It wouldn't bother me as much if they weren't exes, but I feel like he still has feelings for her," I say, playing with my engagement ring, Niall's promise to me that he'll love me forever. "Also, I wanted to go to the Smithsonian today, and Niall said he's going to be too busy. I've been wanting to go there since I was 11."

"I don't know if he's going to be that busy today, but I'll go with you," he offers.

"Really?" I ask, hopeful.

"I'd love to, we can get some lunch and then go, I'll grab my jacket real quick," he says and leaves to grab his jacket.

I look over to see Niall and Ellie laughing and getting their picture taken. She leaves to get something real quick, and Niall turns around to where I was standing earlier, but is confused when he doesn't see me. I scoff, he was too caught up with Ellie to even realize I left.

Shawn comes back and we leave. It could've been Niall and I getting lunch, but he's too buddy-buddy with Ellie. My phone buzzes in my back pocket with a text from Niall.

Nialler❤️: Princess, where'd you go?

I'm mad at him so I reply with a simple Out.

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