A Bet and A Prank

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I'm walking around my fiancé Niall's house, cleaning and listening to my music. I'm dusting his guitars when the song In The Air Tonight by Phil Collins comes on. Niall loves Phil Collins, and I've liked him for a long time too. The part with the drum solo comes on, and I air-drum it. What I didn't realize, was that Niall had walked up behind me, and I accidentally punch him on the last note.

"Oh my gosh Ni, I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok, I probably deserve it with what I'm about to tell you," he says sadly.


"I'm gonna need to sit you down for this," he says, directing me over to the couch.

I sit down on the couch and Niall holds my hands. "Babe, the lads and I got drunk and, well, we started gambling..."

"Please don't tell me you bet our, I mean your, house."

"Princess, I told you to start calling it our home because you're going to be living here soon anyways," he says lovingly. "And no, I didn't bet the house."

"Ok, go on with what you were saying," I encourage.

"Where was I, oh yeah, the gambling. Anyway, we were gambling just at Lou's house, and we were playing poker, and as I said, I was really drunk. Lou bet something really good, i don't even remember what it was, but to match his, I used you as a bet. I lost, and now you have to move in with Louis for a week and be his maid, and you also have to do anything he asks.

"WHAT?" I shout, standing up.  "That's ridiculous!"

"I know, and I know that you and Lou had a fight, and you hate each other now..."

"I'm not doing this, you can't force me!"

"He said he was gonna make you work really hard," he said with guilt in his eyes. "But if he hits you, I want you to call me right away."

I start going on a rant at him about how he can't use me for a bet.  I hadn't even realized that Niall was holding my wrists until I hear him shouting.

"Princess, calm down! I'm right here, you'll be fine. I've got you. Shhh," he says, burying my face into his chest while he rocks us back and forth as I whip up some fake tears.

Lou and I don't actually hate each other, he's like my big brother.  But I want him to feel guilty, so I'm going to let him continue thinking that.  But I do feel a little less angry with him holding me.

Then I remember that this is his fault, and I push away. "I hate you, I can't believe you bet me, like I'm some object that you don't care if you lose. I don't care if you were drunk because drunk actions are sober thoughts. Just...take me to Louis's," I say, sniffling.

He's crying, from guilt and the hurt of me yelling at him.  Nevertheless, he goes into our room and grabs a bag that he already packed.

"Why can't you just call of this stupid bet?" I ask.

"We shook on it, and I can't back out now."

We arrive at Louis's house and go up to the door. He opens it and looks like he is disgusted by me.

"C'mon Louis, I thought you guys were friends again. That's the only reason I was willing to bet her," Niall says.

"I will never be friends with her again," he says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the house, slamming the door in Niall's face. After locking it and waiting for Niall's car to drive away, he turns to me. "We are gonna have the bestest week ever!  Hanging out with my BFF all week is gonna be so much fun. Niall thinks I'm actually gonna make you work, heck no!" he says.

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