Continuation of A Bet and A Prank

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Dang, Niall makes a hot vampire, I was thinking of making a Niall vampire book, let me know your opinions please!
"Ok, close your eyes," Niall says.

"Not sure if I should trust you to lead me into the house.  You're drunk," I say with a laugh.

"Princess, I sobered up pretty quick when I thought you were dead then found out you really weren't."

"Fair enough," I say.

"Aaaannnnddd, open!" he says, uncovering my eyes.

I immediately gasp.  Niall has re-created the date where he proposed to me.  Well, part of it anyways.  He actually proposed in a hot air balloon, but we had a lovely picnic that night in his house, in front of the fire; which is exactly where this is.  He set out foods like chocolate covered strawberries and fondue because we both love steak.  We didn't care if it wasn't a date food, we loved it. A fire is going, which is really dangerous considering he left the house.

"Do you like it?" he nervously asks.

"I love it, it's perfect!" I say, turning around to kiss him. 

"Sitting by the fire while we eating fondue."

I roll my eyes as he references Justin Bieber.  We go to lay down on the blanket and start our dinner.

"Wanna play a game?" Niall asks.

"Sure, what game?"

"Truth or dare?"

"No dares tonight.  How bout truth or truth, but with a twist?" I ask.

"What's the twist?"

"Anytime someone doesn't want to answer the question, they have to take off an article of clothing."

"DEAL!" Niall says, eyes shining.

"Ok Nialler, truth or truth?"

"Um, truth."

"Who's your least favorite member of One Direction?"

He simply takes his shirt off as I admire the view. "I told you I'd never tell you that," he says giggling.

"It was worth a shot," I say.

"Ok, truth or truth?"

"Toughie, but I think I'm gonna have to choose truth."

"What's your deepest, darkest secret?"

I sigh and start, "In high school, I ruined a girl's clay project by pouring water in it before it went in the kiln.  It was the last fire of the year and a lot of projects crumbled, so they suspected nothing."

"Oh my gosh!  Why would you do that?  You're always such an angel!"

"It was for revenge.  She cut my project in half and then tried to make me feel bad for her," I explain.  "Now, truth or truth?"

*Later that night*
By the end of the game, I'm in my bra and underwear, while Niall is in his boxers.  We're hand-feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries, like the cliche scenes in movies.

"I love you so much," Niall says.

"I love you too."

"Yeah, but I love you more!  Don't even try to deny it because you can't.  You know it's true!" he says, hugging me and rolling on top of me.

He rests his head on my chest, laying there for a while.  "Your boobs are so comfy," he says.

I playfully slap his shoulder and he rolls off of me.

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