Winter Break

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"Man, this sucks!" I say to myself. I'm the last one in the dorms for winter break.  Everyone else is gone, literally everyone.  My RA told me that right before she left.  There's also rumor that the hall is haunted, so that's fun.    :(

The dining hall is also closed over break, so I'll be fending for myself for almost a month.  At least my family came down earlier to get a bunch of food for me, but couldn't make it again to visit because of a snowstorm.

This is gonna be so lonely, I'll probably go crazy, but I can't do anything about it, the roads are awful everywhere.  At least I have my phone, books, tv, and a journal.

I miss home though, I miss my bed, hot showers, and my sisters.  I miss my parents too, but my sisters and I are practically joined at the hip, we're extremely close.

I decide to start my lazy break and pop in a movie, I also grab a Coke and make some popcorn. The movie I put in was Grownups, because I needed a good laugh.

After a while, I hear a knock on my door. My head quickly shoots over there. No one else is here, could it be a ghost? I slowly sneak over to the door, and see five guys in hoods.

"Hello?"I cautiously call out.

"Hello, can we come in?" one of them asks.

"I don't know you," I reply.

"We're students here, we live in North Hall and saw a light on in here. We thought we'd come hang out since we were alone in our building."

North Hall is where all the honor students live, so I think these are pretty good kids. I hesitantly open the door and let them in, but keeping hold of the pepper spray I grabbed before I opened the door.

They come in and take off their hoods, shaking off the snow. Soon, I realize I'm looking at the angelic faces of One Direction. Cheeks and noses pink from the cold weather. The pepper spray I was holding drops to the floor.

"One Direction?" I ask, breathlessly.

"Sorry bout the hoods, but we didn't want to possibly be spotted."

"I'm the only one left in this building, but why are you guys here?"

"Well, we were on our way to a concert in Minneapolis, when a blizzard started and we lost our way. Somehow, we ended up on this street and crashed. We saw a light in only this window, so we came here," Harry explains.

"What happened to your driver?" I ask.

They all look down, "He died in the collision..." Niall says.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's ok, you didn't know, but he was a good guy."

"Well do you guys have any cuts or bruises that need to be taken care of?" I ask.

"No, I think we're good," Louis says.

"I just need food," Niall states. I roll my eyes, of course he wants food.

"Well lucky you, my family bought me a bunch of food, but don't eat it all, cuz I'm gonna be alone until late January."

"Seriously?" Niall asks. "That's so sad!"

"It's life," I say and feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I check the notification and see that the roads are closed for an undefined amount of time. "Roads are closed," I announce.

"That means the concert would've been cancelled anyway. But now Paul can't come pick us up," Louis says. Most girls in this situation would be thinking I know what I would do trapped in a room with One Direction, but I'm not like that.

"Well you guys can stay with me as long as you need.  I'm not a serial killer, and I'm a fan, but not a crazy one."

They laugh, "Its refreshing to not have someone screaming in our faces.

"I was just about to watch another movie, wanna join?" I ask.

"Sure," they all say.

I leave one light on and write in my book, cuz it's my dream to be a writer someday.  Niall, who's next to me asks, "Whatcha writing there?"

"Um, it's one of the books I'm writing.  I have three in progress right now," I say, my face as red as a tomato.

"Can we read them?" Louis pops up.

"I mean, if you really want to..."

Louis grabs the one I was writing and I grab the other two.  Niall takes one and so does Harry. They read them and all comment on how good they are. My face probably looks like it was dipped in red paint right now, but not in a creepy way.

We all watch movies until it gets later. Niall is talking to me during the movies, asking questions and getting to know me. The boys fight over who gets the other bunk, until Louis pulls the 'I'm oldest" line and takes it.

"Night guys, please don't kill me in my sleep," I say.

"We should be the worried ones, we don't know you," Louis says.

"I didn't meet you until today, so technically, I didn't know you guys either. Also, it's 5 against 1, so I think the odds are in your favor."

"And may the odds be ever in your favor!" Harry shouts. Everyone looks at him even though it's dark, we can still see him. "Sorry, thought it was appropriate," he apologizes.

We all go to sleep, but I wake up later because I hear some talking. I distinguish the voices as Liam and Niall. I act like I'm still asleep.

"So you really like this girl?" Liam asks.

"I do, I know this may sound crazy, but I think she could be my princess. I just felt this instant connection with her. When I looked in her eyes, it was almost like, I knew. I was trying to talk to her during the movie and it's just so easy to continue the conversation," Niall says.

"I know," Liam replies in an annoyed voice, "I was trying to watch the film."

"Sorry, but you should understand, I have limited time with her, cuz I don't know how long we'll be here."

"Yeah, well, I think she likes you too, I saw the way she looked at you, and when you complimented her books, she was over the moon," he says.

"Really? You think she likes me?" he asks, the excitement in his voice obvious. It's true, I do like Niall.

"Yeah, but you should get some sleep, ok?"

"Ok dad," Niall says and giggles.

"Don't call me that," he replies. I hold back a laugh and fall asleep again.

It's morning when I wake up, and I see Liam talking on the phone. He hangs up when he's done talking to whoever it is and says, "Boys, get ready, roads are open again and Paul is on his way."

Niall looks sad, "Do we have to go? Y/N is fun to hang with," he argues.

"Yes Nialler we have to go."

He sighs and comes up to my bed, "Can I at least get your number, and we can keep in touch," he shyly asks me.

"Sure," I say, and we punch our numbers into each other's phones. I look at his and he put his name as 'Nialler❤️'.

"I like your name in my phone, the heart is fitting," I say, and he smiles; which was the beginning to a beautiful relationship.

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