Fire (A.U.)

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This is based off a scene from the movie Fireproof, if you've ever seen it.  I attached the clip of you want to see it
My chores around the house are done for the day.  I wish my fiancé Niall was here, but he had to work today, he's a fireman at the local station.  He should be getting off work in about an hour and a half, so I think I'll make dinner for the two of us.

I take off my ring so it doesn't get dirty, and start on a meal I know he loves, my famous chicken legs, he absolutely loves them.  I start grilling them, but spill some barbecue on my shirt, so I have to go change real quick and rinse the sauce off this. 

I was wearing Niall's Crazy Mofos shirt, and I knew he hate to get it ruined.  I peel it off, so I just have my bra and some shorts on, and run it under some water.  After I've gotten it out, I go into the bedroom to find a new shirt.  I know I have some old shirts on the bottom, so I reach down to grab them.  As I'm coming back up, I hit my head on the dresser, HARD, and everything goes black.

Niall's POV
I'm sitting here at the firehouse with the other four guys working today, Liam, Louis, Harry, and Zayn.  We always seem to be working together, so we've gotten really close.  Currently, Louis and I are playing a game of Go Fish.

"Got any threes?" I ask.

"Go fish," he replies, obviously bored.

"I know you're cheating!" I say.  "I just want to go home to my fiancée, maybe watch a movie and cuddle."

"God, you are so whipped," Harry says.

Before I can reply, our alarm starts going off.  The fire chief, Simon, comes through the door.  "Boys, get ready, house fire, 449 4th Ave, we gotta get their quick, the neighbor thinks someone is in there.

My heart drops, that's Y/N's house.  I feel sick to my stomach, but sprint to get my gear on, then I hop into the firetruck, screaming at the boys to hurry up.

We get there as fast as we can, seeing the house on fire, Y/N's car in the driveway, but I can't find her.  I run up to the house and break down the door with an axe.

Immediately, I see the fire started in the kitchen, and decide to check the bedroom.  I run in and see her on the floor, so I shut the door to slow down the smoke coming into the room.  It's easy to see all the burns she has, because she's only wearing a bra and some athletic shorts.

I take my oxygen mask off and put it over her face, then my coat.  I try to decide what to do, the fire in the kitchen is too big to pass now, the window in this room doesn't open, the only place to go is under the room.  There's a small space under the house and the ground, so I start hitting the floor with my axe, over and over, only seeming to make a small hole.  I turn around and see the flame come through the top of her door and run across the ceiling, I'm running out of time.

Finally, the hole gets bigger and I'm able to break pieces of the thankfully wooden floor to make the hole big enough to slip her through.  I bring her over and gently drop her down, just before her door falls over, allowing me to see the huge flames taking over her hallway.  I go though the hole myself and grab onto her body.

I start dragging us through the dirt, one arm around her waist, and one pulling us along.  Around me, burning pieces of wood are falling around us.  I see a vent up ahead that I'll be able to kick the metal grate off of.  Suddenly, part of her floor collapses right in front of us, setting part of her hair on fire.  I very quickly smack it out with my hand and move around the burning wood.

Finally I reach the grate, kicking it over and over again with my feet.  It's staying stronger than I thought it would, but I'm giving it my all.  Eventually, it breaks away, and I grab her, pushing her through the opening.

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