He Misunderstands

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Niall's POV
I'm watching my beautiful wife Y/N sleep, in the least creepy way possible.  Her hair is snarly and all over, yet curly and soft-looking at the same time.  She's snuggled up, her head basically in my armpit, one hand on my chest and the other on my ribcage.

I love her so much.  I would honestly do anything for her.  I would take a bullet for her and she would do the same for me.  My wedding day was by far the best day of my life.

Y/N hasn't woken up yet, but her hand is moving along my chest hair.  She says it's lame, but I know she actually thinks it's manly.  I have my arm around her shoulders, and I start to rub her back.

I wonder what she's dreaming about.  After a bit, she starts to let out little whimper/moans, and her hand in my chest clenches a bit.  Oh, I think I know now.  A smirk makes it's way into my face as I think of me in her dreams.  I know I have certain dreams about her.

Suddenly, the hand on my chest hair clenches, grabbing a handful of my hair.  I gasp, holy shit she's strong!  I have to pry her fingers apart and lay it flat on my chest.  I don't want to move her too much or she'll wake up.  I wouldn't want to wake her up from a good dreams, she's been making more and more noises.  She's also becoming a little sweaty.

She goes quiet for about three seconds, and then starts screaming.  It's not the screaming that I was expecting though.  These are screams of terror.  This is a nightmare she's in!

"NOOOOO!!!  NIALL!!!" she screams.  I see she's begun to cry and shake in her sleep.

"Princess, wake up!  I'm right here, it's not real, it's a dream!  You're ok, wake up," I try.  Why won't she wake up?  I start shaking her shoulders just a bit.  It's not like I'm sitting on top of her shaking her violently or anything, just laying next to her.

Without warning, she shoots up, gasping, her hand over her heart.  Her breathing starts to slow, and she turns around to look at me.  She flings herself on me, hugging the life out of me.

"Princess, what happened?" I ask.  She mumbles into my chest, but I can't understand it.  "What was that?"

"I said 'nightmare'" she repeats.  "It was awful!"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

At first, she sakes her head no, then changes it to yes.  "You were on tour, and it was the day you were supposed to come home.  I was at the airport, waiting for your plane to land.  Also, I was just getting kinda anxious and whining.  Finally, I caught sight of it..." she begins to cry, "and it crashed right in front of me.  I was running up to the plane before I woke up."

"Well, you're okay, I'm right here.  And I'm not going anywhere soon," I say.

"Good, because I would kill you if you died on me," she says, completely serious.

I chuckle at her statement and simply reply, "You do that princess."

She lays her head where it was before and we just lay in silence for a bit.  I speak up, "Ya know, I kinda thought you were having a different dream at first.  If I had known it was a nightmare, I would've woken you up right away."

She raises an eyebrow, "What kind of different dream?"

Oh gosh, is she actually gonna make me say it?  That's embarrassing.  Here I was, thinking she was dreaming about me, while she was crying over my death.

"You thought I was having a sexual dream, didn't you?" she asks.

"Uhhh..." I trail off.

She giggles, "It's fine, not like I haven't had dreams like that before."

I roll on top of her, "Oh do you now?" I ask with a huge smile on my face.  "What if I said I have the same type of dreams?  And also that I can make those dreams come true?"

"I would say get off me you heavy bum.  It's five in the morning, I wanna sleep!"

I look over at the clock.  I was so caught up in watching her that I didn't even bother to look at the time.  It really is 5:10 in the morning.

"Fine, just know you got something coming for you when you wake up."  I pull her into my side again, "Would you like me to sing for you?"

"Yes please," she replies.

I sing Truly, Madly, Deeply for her until I feel her body relax.  Hopefully she has good dreams this time.  I look down at the wonderful woman in my arms, and feel like the luckiest man in the world as I drift off to sleep.
Hey guys!  This one is a tad shorter than most, but I'm still pumped about how Niall has Secrets turned out!!!  Thank you and love you all!  Please vote and comment!

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