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I'm in me and Niall's bedroom after I had just gotten done on the phone.  I recently fractured my ankle and had to be on bedrest, which I hate my cast, and Niall said he wouldn't bother me so I could sleep.  Only I wasn't tired, so I called my sister to catch up.

Later, I hear the front door open, and Liam's deep voice fill the living room.  I hear Niall trying to shush him, when my phone starts ringing.  Niall's calling me?  I answer it and quickly realize he butt-dialed me.  Their conversation is mostly about my ankle and I'm about to shut it, when I hear Liam ask something out of the ordinary.

"Is then anything that Y/N does that turns you on?"

"Hmm, I love when she dances and doesn't know I'm watching, when she plays with her hair, and definitely when she wears my clothes, I just wanna attack her, in a good way though." I smile at the little things Niall notices and loves about me. But he watches me dance? I'm an awful dancer, that's embarrassing!

"Alright, keep it in your pants Horany," Liam jokes.  "What about turn-offs?"

I should shut this because my feelings are gonna get hurt if he mentions anything. 

"Clingy," he says without hesitation.

"Clingy?  Y/N?  I mean, I think she just likes to take care of you and make sure you're okay."

"Yeah, clingy.  She's on bedrest so she can't follow me like a lost puppy anymore.  And today, I told her she needed a nap, but really, I just wanted an excuse to get away from her," he states nonchalantly.  "Also, she can be messy sometimes, and she's ALWAYS talking about her sisters.  It can really be annoying."

I begin to tear up. He thinks of me as clingy? I just like to show him that I love him, but I guess he doesn't want me to as much. I'm not gonna act like I don't love him, but I'll definitely lay off him. I hang up the phone and hug my pillow tightly.

I wake up to Niall lightly shaking me.  I didn't even realize I fell asleep.  Opening my eyes, I see Niall standing there with a plate of food.  "Made you some dinner princess.  How's your ankle feeling?" he asks.  Oh, so now he wants to be sweet like he wasn't saying I was clingy and annoying.  He sets the food down on the nightstand.

"Ankle's fine," I mumble.  I sit up and adjust the pillow under my heavy cast.  As I'm moving it around, I let out a hiss of pain.

"Let me help you with that," he says, trying to fix it.

"I'm fine, I can do it myself," I say harshly, swatting his hands away.  He looks a bit hurt when I do that.

"Ok, well is there anything you wanna watch on TV?  I can turn on Supernatural for you..."

"I can, I'm not helpless," I say and he leaves the room.  I turn on Supernatural and begin eating.

Niall's POV
She seemed like she was in a bad mood. I think I know what it is. Y/N absolutely HATES it when people make a fuss over her and she doesn't like feeling helpless.

I gotta make her in a better mood, but how?  I can make her favorite snack for her as a side dish. Y/N loves fruit!  I grab a plate, slice some strawberries, grab small bunches of grapes, raspberries, orange slices, and blueberries.  Then, I take it in to her.

Walking into the room, I hear Supernatural in the background.  I think the character talking is named Castiel or something.  "This isn't funny Dean.  The voice is saying I'm almost out of minutes!"

"Princess, I brought you some fruit, cut just the way you like it," I say gently.

"Thanks," she says shortly.  I set the fruit on the nightstand and walk to the other side of the bed.  I climb on and sit next to her, putting my arm on her shoulders.  She picks it up and puts it back on my lap.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No," she lies.

"Yes you are.  What did I do?"

"Nothing," she angrily replies.


"Just leave me alone Niall!" she shouts, so I leave the room. What did I do to make her so mad at me?  Idk, maybe it's just that time of the month, I just won't bother her much this week, unless she wants me to cuddle with her or something.

*3 Days Later*
Niall has barely talked to me throughout these past few days, he's obviously sick of me.  This has been awful, I was hoping I would have him to talk to, but he's been ignoring me.  Anytime he does though, I'm hostile towards him, I can't help it. It's incredibly boring, at least I have a Disney Princess coloring book to keep me occupied.

While I'm coloring Cinderella leaving the ball, Niall comes into the room. I ignore him, and he rips the book out of my hands. "HEY!" I protest.

"Why have you been mad at me the past couple days?" he asks, obviously frustrated with my behavior.

"I'm not mad," I say angrily.

"Bullshit! Anytime you look at me it seems like you want to kill me," he says. "I just wanna know what I did wrong!"

I let out a small laugh of disbelief. "You seriously don't know?"

"No! All I know is that the day Liam came over, you started getting all pissy towards me."

"Exactly. Think about what you said to Liam," I explain.

"I told him about your hurt ankle. That's it," he says.

"C'mon Niall, lies do not become us," I say.(If you know what in quoting, you're awesome)

"I'm not lying," he says, avoiding eye contact and acting like he's looking at the time.

"Liam asked you about turn ons and turn offs."

"How did you know about that?"

"You accidentally butt-dialed meI explain. "But I heard what you said. About me being clingy and always talking about my sisters, being annoying," I say quietly and sadly.

"Oh my god, princess, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean any of what I said."

"You sure sounded like you meant it," I say.

"Please believe me when I say I didn't. I love you so much, I was just frustrated about your ankle and the fact that I can't help you so I said a bunch of crap about turn offs. The turn one I mentioned, well that was only half true because basically everything you do turns me on," he says and I laugh. "Can you forgive me?"

I contemplate for a second, "Yeah, you're forgiven," I say and he kisses me sweetly.
Hey guys! I haven't updated in forever, OMG I'm sorry. I've just been really busy with school. Also, I'm thinking about writing a Supernatural book, I have a really good idea for one. Thank you for reading and love you all! Please vote and comment!

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