Niall has Secrets

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Valentine's Day is coming up, and I want to get Niall something really special.  But what do you get for someone who can buy almost anything?  I'll just have get him something he can't purchase. 

I wrote a love story, the story of us really. Maybe I'll publish it someday, but for now, I'm just going to make a nice copy of it.  I also recorded it, because he loves my voice for some reason and I know he's not that big on reading.

Right now, he's at work, so I'm going to borrow his laptop to look for some nice parchment paper, or a company that would do it for cheap. I would use my laptop, but Niall dropped it last week cleaning, so he sent it in to get it fixed.

I order the parchment paper; it will be here before Valentine's. I go to his search history and clear the website I was just on so my husband will have no idea I took his laptop.

When I'm about to exit the history, something catches my eye. Pornhub? Niall watches that kind of stuff? He always told me he thought the people who watched porn were weird and not happy in their relationships. Wait, is Niall unhappy?

Am I not good enough for him? I know I don't have the best body, but Niall said he thought models were too perfect and that was boring. I've been trying to improve my body to be the best I can for him, but it's difficult. I feel like he was lying now every time he said I looked beautiful. He cried on our wedding though when I came up the aisle. He was probably crying because he was regretting marrying me.

What else does Niall hide from me on his laptop? I don't want to seem like one of those crazy wives, but I'm just too curious now. Hmm, let's see what he has stored up in pictures and videos shall we? Looking in his pictures, lots are of him and the boys, and then I see an album named "Y/N". This oughta be interesting.

He has a lot of pictures in here, me sleeping, cooking, changing, bathing in the shower and tub, eating? Niall, why eating? I go into his videos and see similar things. Me, cheering during a Packer game. Me singing one of his songs in the shower.  A video of me sleeping, and he's twirling my hair and caressing my face. Now I understand why he watches other girls, I'm disgusting; but it still hurts.

I see another album labeled "Baby". What? Am I pregnant and I just don't know it? Does he call another girl 'baby'?  I click on it and see lots of screenshots of baby and nursery items. Does Niall want a baby? Probably, just not with me. He just recently synced his phone with his laptop though, so this is fairly new stuff.

What other interesting things can I learn about my husband today? Emails, let's see those. The first one that pops up, unread, is from...Holly? His ex? I read some of the emails between them starting from the older ones to the more recents.

Holly: I forgot to ask during the call, but does Y/N know you called me?

Niall: No, and let's keep it that way.  She doesn't know I went to London either.

Holly: Ok, when are you coming to get it?

Niall: I'm not sure, the day before Valentine's probably.  I need to spend Valentine's with Y/N obviously.

Holly: Can I have an approximate time?

Niall: Night time, you know that.

Holly: Ok, see you then.

That was the most recent email. Come get it? I really hope that doesn't mean what I think it does. And he's going to meet her? That's probably who he wants a baby with.

I don't even know how to feel right now. Sad, angry, betrayed? Everything, the only good thing was how many pictures of me he had. Normally I trust Niall with my life, but this trust is shaky after finding all this out. I'm going to text him.

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