Parent Practice

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I don't think that's Theo in the picture, I think it's Deo's son Jaxon, but we're just gonna roll with it
Request for @mnh0826
I wake up the morning hearing Niall talking to someone.  Listening carefully, I distinguish the other voices as Greg and Denise.  Did Niall volunteer us to babysit Theo again?  We love the kid, but Niall is always exhausted by him halfway through the day. He usually falls asleep after a while and I have to take care of him all by myself.

Theo is two now, so he can put together words like "want food" and letting us know when he needs something.  "Uncle Ni!" Theo shouts. 

"Hey buddy, we gotta be quiet," he says.

"Auntie Y/N?" he asks.

"She's upstairs sleeping bud, you'll see her later though."

"Anyways Niall, thanks for taking him for the night," Greg says.  The whole night!  Niall, are you crazy?  Why?

"No problem, you know the wife and I are..." he cuts off the sentence there, he must be speaking with his eyes, or gesturing to something.

"Yeah I get it.  I sure hope you do, talk to you tomorrow," he replies.  I can't help but wonder what he meant.

I hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs slowly.  It's Niall, that kid can't be quiet to save his life.  I always know when he's trying to sneak up on me.  Eventually, he sent the other 1D boys to scare me, but it still didn't work.  I have very strong senses and can usually can tell if someone's there.

He enters the room, and I hear him set something down. Not a second later, I hear the running of tiny feet. I feel something pulling at my blankets, and Niall comes over to the bed, picking Theo up and setting him on the bed. He begins to jump on the bed, while Niall comes over to my face. My eyes are still closed and I assume he's going to kiss me, but then I feel cold water on my neck. My eyes snap open and I see Niall holding a water gun.

"You did not just do that!" I exclaim, not angry but acting like I am.

"Uh oh Theo, we gotta run!" Niall says, picking Theo up and running out of the room. I can hear Theo's adorable laughter, and I chase after them. I see a loaded water gun in the bathroom, so I grab that.

"Come out come out wherever you are," I creepily sing. I'm walking past a closet when I hear a giggle. I walk past for a second like I didn't hear it, but then run back and yank it open.

Niall is sitting there with Theo in his lap. "Truce!" Niall shouts, putting his hands up.

"Fine," I say. Theo gets off his lap and once he's out of the way, I shoot Niall anyway, hitting him square on the face. I laugh and he grabs a hand towel from the bathroom to dry his face.

He comes back, "Theo already had breakfast, so we'll feed him at noon.  But I think we should let him decide what to do.  What do ya think bud?"


"How 'bout hide and seek?" I ask.

He vigorously nods his head and him and Niall go to hide. I find Theo in our closet and Niall hiding in the opposite side of the kitchen island, eating ice cream. Next round I hide in a really good spot that Niall can't find me for a while. "Y/N, I'm taking my shirt off and if you don't come out now, I'm not kissing you for the rest of the day!"  He's gotta be joking, he can't go without kissing me.  "And I'm not messing around!"

Fine.  I come out of my hiding spot and go up to him.  Before he can say anything, I put my hands on his bare chest and kiss him.  I pull back and hear Theo giggling.  Niall's eyes are still closed like he's in a trance, but he soon shakes out of it.  We play for some more rounds until it gets boring.  After that, Niall finds a movie for Theo while I make lunch.

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