Niall Leaves for Tour

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I walk into the bedroom, sad that my husband of a year, Niall, is leaving for a 4 month tour today.  Yes it could be longer, but he's going to be so busy that I won't be able to talk to him much.  My eyes are tearing up as I watch him packing the last of his clothes.

Niall notices my red eyes, and stops packing to come hug me.  "It's gonna be ok Y/N.  I'll still be able to talk to you some, it's not like we're going to be completely cut off from each other."

"I know, it's just sad to see you go.  I really wish you didn't have to," I cry.

"Yeah, I wish I could stay too, but it's my career, I can't let the boys and the fans down," he says sadly.

Then I say something I know I shouldn't.  "Sometimes I feel like you care about all of them more than me."  Niall hates when I say that, because he makes it pretty clear that I'm the most important person in his life.

He immediately pulls back from hugging me, but has his hands on my shoulders.  "Y/N, how could you say that?  You know I love you more than anything in this world.  If they made me choose between you and all the food in the world, I would choose you without a second thought, and everybody knows I love food!"

I shouldn't say anything except a quick apology, but my anger and hurt gets the best of me.  "Well if you care about me more, then why don't you act like it!" I shout, regretting it after.  Niall always takes time to show me how much he loves me.

He drops his arms and steps back, looking shocked after I say it,  but then his face quickly turns to hurt.  I look down, wanting to apologize, but he probably doesn't want to talk to me right now.

Niall's POV
Is she being serious right now?  I always make sure to let her know how much I love her.  Doesn't she realize I want to stay home, cuddling with her, playing guitar, and eating her amazing cooking?

"I can't believe you would say that to me! Maybe I should just go, seeing as you don't care about me.  If you did you would be supporting me in this!" I yell back at her.  She just starts crying harder, dang, I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Maybe you should," she says quietly, not meaning it at all, but in my angry state, I feel like she does. 

I zip up my bag, and walk to the car.  I throw my suitcases in the back, and slam the trunk shut.  I get in the drivers seat and leave for the airport without even saying goodbye to her.  What's wrong with me?  The rain hits the windshield, reminding me of the tears that are without a doubt running down her face, and about to be running down mine soon.

I hear the car start up and drive away, then completely loose it.  I start bawling, he's going to be gone for four months, and we ended on a fight.  I'm sure we'll apologize over the phone, but it's not going to be the same.

Whenever we get into a fight, we apologize.  If it's Niall's fault, he apologizes and then wants to cuddle with me the rest of the day, sometimes he likes to play guitar for me too, making up songs on the spot to make me laugh.  If it's my fault, he usually ignores me, so I make his favorite meal to apologize.  If we just ate, then I apologize and do something like cleaning the house and watching either football, soccer to me, or golf with him, because he loves when I watch his favorite sports with him.  He especially loves to have me wear his favorite player's jersey when we watch a soccer game.

Eventually I stop crying, and decide to distract myself by doing the laundry.  I turn on some music, then wish I hadn't because the song "Home" by Michael Bublé is playing.  I shut it off just as quick, and take the laundry basket into the laundry room.  I start putting the clothes in the washer, then pick up Niall's favorite sweater, which he forgot.  I pick it up and inhale his scent, deciding not to wash it.  I'll be sleeping with it tonight, at least I'll have the smell of him.  I'm cut out of my thoughts as a loud rumble of thunder rolls through the sky.

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