Pregnant and Scared(Part 1)

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Poor Niall, the baby's crying in that pic
Lately, I'd been throwing up in the mornings and feeling tired.  Thoughts of pregnancy have been running through my mind.  Niall and I have been married for about 8 months now, so it's not like the baby would be out of wedlock or anything.

I want to go to the store, but the paps know my face by now, and would go CRAZY if I was caught buying pregnancy tests.  Instead, I text my sister, who lives about 20 minutes away from me.  I ask her to buy me some tests and she comes to the house about half an hour later.  Luckily, Niall's in the studio right now and won't be home for a while. She gives me the tests and I reimburse her.  She wishes me luck and leaves.

I run to our master bathroom with four sticks, and pee on them each.  Setting them on the counter, I pace around the room, waiting for the timer I set to go off.


I take a deep breath and look down.  All positive!  I start to get a bit nervous.  Am I ready to have a baby right now?  Actually...yes.  The more I think about it, I'm responsible, caring, I know how to take care of a child, same with Niall, and were financially stable.  We can do this.  Everything happens for a reason.  Now I just have to find a way to tell Niall.

I'd estimate that I'm about a month pregnant, so the baby is due around December, considering that it's May(A/N: Pretend it's May ok?)

I have it all planned out how I'm going to tell him.  He gets home, and I put my plan into action.

"Hey Ni," I say, giving him a kiss.

"Hey, what's for dinner?"


I say, getting us plates and dishing it up.  "Oh, I heard there's a new movie coming out around December, but I'm not sure you'd like it, lots of blood and screaming," I say, hinting at the process of birth.

"What's the title?" he asks.

"I'm not sure, they haven't found a name yet," I say, smiling internally because he legit thinks I'm talking about a movie.

"Where'd you hear this?" he asks.

"I read it off something," I reply, thinking about the four sticks that changed our lives.

I hand him his plate and we start eating.  He takes a bite and swallows, then looks at me.  "It tastes different, did you change the sauce?"

"Yeah, I didn't think you'd notice," I say.


I choke on the water I was drinking.  He pats my back until I'm good.  "That's PREGO, not preggo," I say.  "Preggo means you're pregnant."

He laughs, "Oh, I always just called it preggo.  Thank god you're not pregnant," he says randomly.  My smile fades and my faces pales.

"What?" I ask.

"I said it's a good thing you're not pregnant," he states.

"Why's that?"

"I don't want a baby right now.  I'm not ready, you're not ready, my career is sky rocketing right now, it's not a good time at all.  Also, I just...don't want a kid right now, too much work."

"What would you do if I was pregnant?"

He shrugs, "I don't know, have you get rid of it?  But you're not, so let's not worry about it.  We use protection all the time," he states confidently.  Except once, I think to myself.

Earlier, I had cleaned out the Prego jar and put the sticks in there.  I was planning to give it to him after supper and explain the "movie", but this conversation had not gone how I wanted it to at all.  Going into the kitchen and grabbing it, I walked back and thrust it into his hands.

"What's this?" he asks, as I walk away without replying, not trusting my voice at the moment.  I cry as I walk upstairs to our room and lock the door.  I grab my duffel bag from the closet and start throwing clothes in it.

"WHAT?  NO NO NO!  THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!" I hear him scream from downstairs.  Heavy footsteps quickly run up the steps, and I hear him run face first into our bedroom door, hard. 

"Y/N, open the door! I will break it down!" he demands. I don't say anything and continue grabbing my essentials. I have enough for about a week, I'm going to my sister's house. He already rammed into the door, he wouldn't do it again, but he does, slamming his shoulder in first. The door doesn't do anything, but he groans in pain.

I zip up my bag and head for the door, unlocking and opening it. Of course, he's right there.

"I'm not getting rid of this baby Niall, and you don't want it so, goodbye," I say, walking down the stairs, then he says something that makes me stop in my tracks.

"How do you even know this baby is mine?"

"Are you kidding me right now?"

"Every time I go to work, you probably have some different guy over every day. We use protection all the time, so there's no way this baby could be mine," he says.

"Niall, I cannot believe you're accusing me of cheating right now! I swore on our wedding day that I'd be faithful to you and only you, and I've kept that promise from day 1. Not even when we were dating did I cheat on you. And condoms aren't always 100% effective, and we did forget to use one once, on April fools day," I day and walk out of the house, hopefully not for forever.
Hey guys! Here's part 1, I will be posting part 2 soon, which will have Niall's POV(squeals internally)! Please vote and comment! Love you all and thank you!

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