Not a normal day

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"Hey Y/N, wanna hang today?" my best friend asks me as we get out of class.

"No, I can't, Niall's picking me up today since my car broke down.  He's gonna be here any second," I reply.

"Or right now," a person says, blocking my path.

I smile, already knowing the voice.  "Hey Niall," I say, hugging him.

"Hey babe, how was class today?" he asks, giving my temple a kiss.

"Awful, our history professor totally demonized a bunch of American heroes and historical figures!  Oh, and then she went on a rant about political correctness when no one brought it up."

I thought taking a college history course would be fun.  That was before I realized she basically hates white people, even though she is one.

"She sounds crazy."

"She is," I say and Y/F/N nods her head in agreement.

We're walking out of Jefferson Hall when suddenly we hear someone shout "GET DOWN!" We immediately do, wondering what what was going on.

Turning around, we see a student with a gun, pointing at his professor. "Everybody stand back up!" he commands. It was obviously a different student who shouted to warn us.

We should be running towards the exit, but I can see from here that they're bolted shut, he must've done that while everyone was in class.

Instead of having the cliche moment in movies where the killer explains why he's there or break down and doesn't shoot, he simply shoots his professor. He looks back up and sees Niall standing there, with me next to him.

"Niall Horan," he says with a fake chuckle. "I hate your music." He points the gun at Niall and shoots. Everything seems to happen in slow motion. I jump in front of Niall, taking the bullet to my stomach, since he doesn't have very good aim.

The shooter, realizing he just shot a professor and student, runs away. Niall carries me off to the side. "911 is on their way sweetie, just hang on," he frantically says, trying to stop the bleeding. The only problem was that the campus was on the opposite side of everything else in town.

After about 10 minutes of waiting, I've given up hope. "Niall," I say, getting his attention.

"Yeah princess?" he asks.

"I don't feel too much pain anymore," I say, knowing that means my time is almost up.

"That's good princess," he chokes out through tears, also knowing the inevitable and just wanting my suffering to be over.

"I love you."

"I love you too," is the last thing I hear him say, before my eyes close for the last time.
Hey guys! I know this was really short and crappy, but I think I'm about done with this book. I'm just not much of a Niall fan anymore:(

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