I'm done

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Put a fork in me, I'm done.  Not with life, but with this story.  I wanted to say thank you for all the reads, votes, and support. 

I'm just not the Niall fan I used to be.  I don't know if I like him any more.  He's a great singer, don't get me wrong about the fact that he's talented, but idk.  I feel like he isn't the same sweetie that was in One Direction. It seems to me like he doesn't care that much about his fans helping him win awards and stuff.  Please don't hate me for saying any of this.

I'm sure I'm wrong, and I sure hope I'm wrong, it's just how I feel.  But I've just lost my passion for him.  Just don't hate me.

I hope you give my future stories a chance.  Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for everything, and I love you all!💕

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