Part 4

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__Aqua's Pov__

You keep running until you run into (Y/N). You run to him as fast as possible.

"Hey Aqua sorry I...."

He was cut off by you running to him and you hugging him planting your face into his chest and then start to cry.

"Aqua what wrong?"

You then start to cry harder into his chest.

"Did someone do something to you?"

You just tighten your hold on (Y/N) so he cant leave.

"Aqua please tell me what happened so I can try to help you."

You then let go of him with tears in your eyes. After you wipe away your tears you tell him everything that happened. As you are telling him he has confusion in his eyes.

"You don't believe me do you?"

"Aqua I believe you its just a lot to process."

"Thank you for believing me, I knew i could trust you."

You then start to hug (Y/N).

"Hey Aqua how about we head back to the dorm so we can get some rest. I think we both had a hard long day."

You break the hug and you have a slight grin on your face.

"Yeah lets head back."

You and (Y/N) walk back to your teams dorm and both of you lay down to go to sleep. The only problem was you couldn't go to sleep because you kept on hearing the voice over and over again. You then look over to see (Y/N) sleeping.

*in head* "He is so cute when he is sleeping. What are you saying Aqua you cant be thinking these things about your leader and your friend. But i cant help it he is just so cute. When ever i am around him i get all warm around him. I need to stop this."

You then roll back over so your looking at the wall and not starring at (Y/N). All of a sudden you hear the same voice say.

"You better enjoy your time here at Beacon, you wont be here very much longer."

You then here that evil laugh you heard earlier that night. You start to cry in fear again.


Hey everyone I'm sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoy it. Have an amazing day and Blade out.

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now