Part 21

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__Isabella's Pov__

"What happened here?" I said to one of the police officers at the crime scene.

"We in all honesty dont know." You then walk off with team JNPR and RWBY. A car then pulls up beside you and your group.

"Who is this." 5 guys jump out with guns and kill the cops.

"Get in the car now!"The leader yells at us.

"I then hear a sniper shot and 3 of them fall to the ground dead.

"What the!?" Another shot then kill the other two. You and your friends start to run the opposite way to get away from the seen. You eventually make it back to your dorms in Beacon and you just sit in your dorm thinking.

"Who would help us like that back there." You look out your window and you stare at the moon light sky. "Who...." Weiss then walks into your dorm which is mostly empty beside you sense your team left to go out to eat.

"Isabella tell me whats wrong."

"What do mean."

"Ever since he went missing you have been acting odd." Weiss is one of your best friends so you decide to tell her your biggest secret.

"Weiss to be honest im in love with him even though he is with Aqua."

"Oh im so sorry." Weiss walks over and sits by you on your bed. "Do you need to talk about it?"

"No i need to figure this out myself." Weiss then say goodbye and she walks back to her dorm room.

__(Y/N) Pov__

Valkire drives you back to the base and takes you to youlls room and lays you on your bed while Aqua is going crazy because you were hurt so bad.

"Aqua ill be okay."You say to her trying to calm her down.

"Let me help you with something please."

"Aqua i said i will be okay." You then lay your head back down on yuor pillow and she lays down by you.

"Let me atleast lay wiht you."

"Im okay with that just please dont touch my wounds while there healing."She then snuggles up in your arms as close as she can with out hurting you.

"I love you Tex" She says while gettign comfortable in your arms.

"I love you to Aqua." You then her on her forehead. You soon fall asleep and so does Aqua.

__Valkire Pov__

*In head* "I cant believe she is sleeping with him!" You sit down in your chair wiht a cup of black coffee. You then start hear planes fly over.

"What the... Planes havent flown over this base in years." You then start to hear a few loud booms which makes you look outside and you cant believe what you see.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I hope you all have an amazing day and Blade out!

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now