Part 19

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__Valkire Pov__

"Thats was close."

"Yeah well lets get back to base Valkire."


"So Valkire do we have anything planned tomorrow."

"No not that i know of." You try to hide your blush but you cant. *in head* "Omg please let him ask me out. Please thats all i want."

"Well we can finally see who is better at Battlefield 4 so i challenge you to a 1v1 tomorrow."

*in head* "WHYYYYYYYY does this happen to me." You then look at him. "Ok sounds fun to me."

"Well you better start practicing if you want to beat me."

__Time skip to next day__(Y/N) Pov__

"One more match (Y/N)."

"Valkire its six o'clock in the morning you need to go to sleep."

"No one more match i have to (yawn) beat (yawn) you."

She then passes out on the floor right by you.

"Well i better get you to bed."

You then pick her up bridal style and put her on her bed. You sit down by her and cover her up with her blanket.

"Goodnight Valkire."

You then think you see her smile but you just ignore it and go and lay in your bed and fall asleep.

__Time skip__

"Hey you up yet Valkire." You get no response so you sit up in your bed and look over to see her still sound asleep laying like a young child.

"Valkire get up." Still no response from her.

"Fine you asked for it." You then make your hand hotter than the rest of you body with your dragon powers. You get up and walk over to her bed and hover your hand over her.

"This may hurt a little." YOu then put your hand on her shoulder and she wakes up due the amount of heat.

"Owww what the freakin was that for."

"I had to get you up somehow." You then get punched in the face.

"Thats for waking me up."

"Ok sorry it wont happen again Valkire."

"Now turn around."


"So i can go change in the bathroom."

"Oh ok then." YOu turn around so you dont see her. You then hear the bathroom door close and you go and sit on the side of your bed.

"So how do i look?" YOu then look up to see Valkire possing in a tight grey shirt that is cut off to show her stomach, she also has on a tight pair of jeans on and grey tennis shoes.

"You look amazing."

__Aqua's Pov__

"Cinder why are you doing this when you know he doesnt love you anymore."

"Its not about him, its about the power he has."

"So you want to use him to get what you want."

"I dont want to use him, I want to take his power from him."

"Your a sick piece of..." You get punched in the face.

"What was that I didnt catch what you said."


"Good thats what I thought." Cinder then walks out the room.

"Please hurry."

"Pleading wont get you out of this you know." You then look at a man that was standing in the corner of the room where you couldnt see him before. He is now standing right infront of you.

"It may not help but its all i can do. Im stuck here with her and her evil minions."

"Listen you can make it out. And im here to help you. I know where (Y/N) is."

"What! Where is he? Is he safe?"

"That doesnt matter right now. What matter is that im here to get you out." He then walks over to you and cuts your chains.

"What now."

"Just keep quiet and follow me." He then walks over to the wall and he removes a piece of metal that was covering up a hole in the wall

"Come on we dont have long." Youthen crawl in the hole and he comes after you.

"Keep going straight and you will be out of here in a mater of minutes." You contineue to crawl straight until you reach the outside of the building.

"Aqua Winchester step into the vehicle. We have someone you may want to meet." You get into the large black amored turck and it starts to drive away after everyone gets in.

__(Y/N) Pov__

"Why are there armoured trucks outside of our room Valkire?"

"I dont know lets go and find out." You and Valkire walk out and as soon as you close the door behind you and her you hear a door open and close.

"TEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You turn and see the love of your life running towards you.

"AQUA!!!!!!!!" You start to run towards her and both of you meet each other andyou pick her up while hugging her.

"I missed you so much (Y/N)." She says while you are holding her in your arms. She starts to cry into your shoulder.

"I missed you so much my love." You hold even tighter. "And i promise to never let you away from me again."

"I know you wont."You then let her go and Valkire walks up beside you.

"Valkire this is Aqua my girlfriend. Aqua this is Valkire my partner and room mate."

"Nice to meet you Valkire." Aqua then put out her hand to shake her hand but Valkire doesnt eben move. She just stands there starring at her."

"Its nice to meet you Aqua Winchester but me and (Y/N) need to go and do some missions."

"Can i come with you (Y/N)."

"No stay here and rest for now. Maybe next time."

"Ok see you later." You then start to turn around but you hear her say something. "I love you!"

"I love you to." You then get in your car with Valkire and drive off.

__Aqua's Pov__

You wnter the building where you assume Valkire and (Y/N) live and close the door behind me.

"You know its pretty weird that he ran off with that girl even thought your his girlfriend."

You turn around and look everywhere around you. "Who are you!?"

"My name is Razor."

"Ok Razor what are you speculating."

"Well i believe that your boyfriend has been dating Valkire while you were gone."

"No no no no that not possible he would never do that! Your lying."

"Fine believe whatever you want but I would keep an eye on him and her if i was you."

You then here absolute silence. "He must of left."

I hope you all enjoy this 1000+ word chapter. I hope you all have an amazing day and Blade out!

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now