Part 25

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"What happened?"

You ask while standing in the door way of the hospital room. Aqua turns to you and she hugs you she then begins to cry into your shoulder.

"(Y/N) Isabella jumped out infront of a car earlier today. She was drunk so her aura was weak and the impact broke a bunch of bones. The doctors give her between 1 to 3 days to live."

April says standing in your line of sight as you continue to hug Aqua.

"And its all my fault......" You start to feel a tear fall down your face then you go black.

__In Head__

A figure walks up to you.

"(Y/N) you are meant to do good and its time we pass all the memories of all the Fireborns to you. You arent like your father you are a true fireborn."

The figure then puts its head on your head and all these memories come to you.

"What do you mean unlike my father?"

"Your father used his powers for evil. We eventually took the memories away from him before he became to strong. Now go use these memories of your ancestors to defeat your father and all other darkness out in the world like you are destined to!" A bright light then blinds you.

__In Real Life__

You wake up on a hospital bed with Aqua looking at you. She then notices you are awake.

"April hes up!"

April then walks over to you.

"How long was i out?"

"About 30 minutes. Are you ok?"

"Yes im fine i just learnt something that i need to do." Your eyes and your aura begin to glow a mixture of your favorite colors. "I need to go and finish something." You rip out the tube in your arm and get up. You rush out the hospital and transform into your dragon form and fly as high as you can looking for your father.

__Timeskip 2 hours__

You then hear a roar.

"So my senses were correct. They finally gave you the memories of how to use your powers properly. Sadly you still cant beat me kid." You then get hit by a grey beam it sends you to ground fast and you land on your back creating a crator. You look up and see a grey and black dragon above you. It begins to charge another blast but you fly out of the way before it hits. You fly up to thw dragon and you go to grab it with your claws but it simply hits you off then it grabs you and begins to fly down. You grab its neck and try to switch places but you are to slow and he slams you into the ground. It then holds you on the ground as it charges another shot. You try to move but you are unable due to its weight so your close your eyes expecting great pain. You then hear explosions and the dragon lets you go. You look up and see Atlas ships firing missiles at it. It fired as beam destroying the two ships. While the dragon is doing this you get up and fire a (F/C) beam which hits it directly making it slide on its back across the ground. You then fly over and go to punch its head into the ground but it dodges and kicks you off. You land on your stomach but get up only to be hit with a tree. The dragon then grabs your throat and lifts up up. You both glow red and you both turn human. Yuri is still holding you up by your throat.

"See kid you dont stand a chance against me." He then punches you sending you flying through trees the then into side of a mountain. He summons his wings in human form and flies infront of you and punches you deeper into it. He continues to punch you sending you deeper each time. Your bodt is hurting so bad you cant fight back. He then draws his hand back and it begins to glow black. He then hits you harder then ever and it cracks the side of the mountain. You then lets you fall to the ground knocked out.

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now