Part 11

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__Aqua's Pov__

You keep running around the school looking for (Y/N) but you cant find him.

"Where is he!" You then see Blake.

"Hey Aqua whats wrong."

"I cant find (Y/N) do you know where he is?"

"I think I saw him just down the hall on the left."

"OK thanks Blake."

"Your welcome."

You run around a corner and run into (Y/N).

"Are you ok. What was all that about." You ask him with a worried look on your face.

"Im ok and what." He looks at you with a fake look of confusion.

"You and Silver it was all over the news." He looks at you with a odd look on his face.

"Aqua im sorry i did that to him but he had it was either him or me." You then hear your phone ring. You check it and it was April.

"Hey April did you find him."

"Yeah but um he ran away." She says in a odd sounding voice. She must have been crying.

"What do you mean?" You ask with a confused sounding voice.

"He said he was coming for (Y/N)." As soon as she said that (Y/N) was grabbed by a arm that came threw the wall. (Y/N) was then pulled through the wall and you saw Silver with a pair of wings that looks like a phoenix's wings made of silver fire.

"You will pay for what you did to me (Y/N)!!"


I hope youll enjoy this short chapter of my story. I hope youll have a good day/night and Blade out!

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now