Part 9

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__Silvers Pov__

You see April and Aqua leave the school and you get a evil grin on your face.

"I can finally challenge (Y/N) without Aqua knowing. My time has come."

"Hey Silver whats up. You've been kinda angry and silent lately." You then turn around full of anger to see (Y/N).

"Oh dont what up me you know exactly why im angry."

"Uhh no i dont."

"You knew i loved Aqua. So you decided to take her away from me."

"Woah wait its not like that. I had no clue you loved her and how did you know we were together?"

"A women you probaly know told me about you two. And me and her made a deal."

"What kind of deal."

"Well you see she wants you and i want Aqua so we agreed to help get each other what we want."

"Who is this women." (Y/N) starts to get angry at all this.

"Cinder Fall" (Y/N) stares at you for a a few seconds and then realizes what is going to happen.

"Let me guess we are going to have to fight now arent we." You then grow a smirk on your face at this.

"Yes, yes it does." you then throw a punch at him but he dodges.

__(Y/N) Pov__

You then grab Silver and throw him threw the wall. You walk over the continue the fight but by the time you get over there he is no where to be seen.

"Where the hell are you." You then get slammed in the ground by Silver who jumped on top of you. You then try to get up but he grabs you by your neck and picks you up.

"Do you really think im going to let you stand in my way of getting Aqua." You then look at him with a slight grin.

"Before you start thinking your stronger. How about i actually try." You then grab the hand he is holding you with and crush it with you bare hands.

"AHHHHH" Your hair then starts to turn blue and your eyes turn silver. Then your hands grow claws like a dragon.

"Its time to show you why im in charge of this team." You then grab him and throw him threw multiple walls even going threw team RWBY's dorm. You then walk up to Silver who is covered in cuts and bruises.

"How are you able to do this (Y/N)."

"Its called being a fireborn." You then grow your wings but still stay mostly human. You grab him with both of your hands and fly up out of the building leaving a hole in the roof. You then throw him into the tower that Ozpin stays in.

__Ozpin Pov__

"What was that?" Ozpin asks while going to the window only to see (Y/N) pinning Silver to the side of the tower and flying up all at one time. " Glynda get team RAIN and tell them to come here immediatly." She then called team Rain. " They will be here soon Ozpin." (Y/N) then flys up past the top of the tower and drops Silver and catchs up to him and slams Silver into the ground making a human shape hole in the ground.

__(Y/N) Pov__

"Silver you really shouldnt have made that deal with Cinder." You are pinning Silver to the ground.

"Please (Y/N) have mercy." You then hear someone say something to you.

"Hey let him go." You turn your head to see four students running towards you.

"Who are you four." The two boys of the group pull out there weapons and point them at you.

"You call us team Rain the team thats about to....." They were cut off by headmaster Ozpin.

"Students please lets all calm down here." You then grow a slight grin on your face and you then burst into (F/C) flames and when the fire subsides your not there anymore.

__Ozpins Pov__

"Well looks like your not needed anymore team RAIN you may return to your classes." Team Rain then walks back to there classes. You then turn to Gylanda who is looking at Silver who is stuck in the ground.

"Call for the nurses to come to get him we have someone to talk to." Glynda nods her head calls the nurses on her scroll. The nurses show up and take Silver to the school hospital. You head up to your office and sit down behind your desk.

*In head* "Lets hope (Y/N) doesnt end up being like the last Fireborn did." You then hear someone walk out the shadows.

"Well well Ozpin I see you found another Fireborn." You then look over in amazment at what you see.

"How are you here, you were locked in hell." He then walks over to your desk and sits in a chair.

"Well you see i killed the Devil himself so i now rule hell and all its demons. So i decided to come check up on my future teammate (Y/N)." You look at him and think.

"You still have no right to be here after what you tried to do." He then starts to laugh.

"You mean the time that i almost killed ever hunter and huntress and almost took over the world. Well let me tell you something Ozpin thats nothing even close compared to what im planning for me and (Y/N)." You then look at him in anger.

"We will stop you just like last time and (Y/N) will never join you. He is better than that."

"You dont know yet. He works for Cinder." You look at him in confusion.

"Wait how did he get involved with Cinder. His parents wouldnt let him see people like that." He then starts to laugh in a dark tone.

"One he isnt related to the Arc family and two his real father got him started with her."

"Wait so he isnt related to Mr. Arc. Then who is his mother and father."

"Well his mother is Mrs. Arc and im his father. She was cheating on him with me." You then look at him in shock.

"Well Ozpin ill see you around." a large fire starts and when it disappears he isnt there anymore.

"We need to protect (Y/N) from him at all costs."


Merry Christmas and Blade out!

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now