Part 18

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__(Y/N) Pov__

"When ever you are ready take the shot."

You slowly pull your sniper rifles trigger. You then hear a bang and your target is on the ground dead.

"Nice shot now lets get out of here and grab our reward."

"Sounds good to me im tired."

You both then get up and walk to your car and drive away.

__Cinder's Pov__

"He was here i know it."

"How can you be so sure Yuri."

"He's my son, I just have this feeling."

"Ok so where do you think he made the shot from."

"There in the end of the alleyway."

"Look at the tire marks. We can follow those and find him."

"Good idea."

Yuri then pulls out his scroll and presses a few buttons. Then a car appears.

"Pretty car Yuri."

"Ah so you like this." He then puts his hand on the Black 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T.

"I love it." You both then get in and follow the tire tracks to a restraunt.

"I think were here Cinder." He then parks the car next a Plymouth Hemi Barracuda.

"Lets finish this Yuri." Both of you then walk in the restraunt and sit down.

__(Y/N) Pov__

"Valkire whats wrong?"

She turns to you.

"See those two people over there."

You look over at the two people sitting at the table in the corner.

"Cinder and that guy.There following us."

"Thats what i was thinking. Here's the plan."

She turns and kisses a man sitting with his wife. While she is she points to you to get out of there. A huge crowd of people gather around Valkire and the wife of the man which allows you to sneak out unnoticed.

"Oh sorry i thought he was someone else my bad." Valkire then walks out. And jumps in the car and then Cinder and the man walk out and run to there car as you pull out.

"Yuri get him." You then see a Black Dodge 1970 Challenger R/T catching up to you.

"Valkire hang on."

"What are you going to do."

You then turn off the road and into a old dirt road.

"Were taking a shortcut."

You keep driving faster trying to loose Cinder but they keep up no matter the speed.

"(Y/N) it says the bridge is out we cant go that way."

"We cant."

You then press the gas as far down as it can and gain as much speed as you can.


Your car then reachs the end of the bridge and it is now in the air flying across towards the other part of the bridge.


You the land on the other side and stop the car making it spin around so that the front is looking at the bridge.

"Valkire you ok."

You then get slapped.

"What was that for."

"That was for doing that." She then hugs you tightly.

"And that was for getting us away from them."

You blush madly and you then hear a car getting closer.

"Valkire you hear that."

"Yeah" You spin your car around drive away from the bridge.

"Um their still coming." You behind you and see Cinders car catching up to you.

"Crap they must of jumped the bridge. Its time to see who is faster."

__Yuri Pov__

"He thinks he can out run us."

"Yuri turn here."

You turn into a diffrent rode and floor it.

"You should be infront of them in a minute. We need to block their way out."

"Got it. How much longer till we meet."

"Turn now."

You turn and block the road.

"Where are they."

"Over here Cinder."

You turn and see them behind you.

"Bye Cinder."

He then drives away and you try to catch him but he is to far away.

"Crap he's gone."

"Lets get back to base and think of a better plan."


You then drive back to base.


I hope youll enjoyed this chapter of "Years To Remember". I hope you all have an amazing day and Blade out!

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