Part 7

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__Aqua's POV__

".....Yes it does."

"Aqua i have something to tell you."

"What is it (Y/N)?"

"I love you to." (Y/N) pulls you in for a short kiss.

"So (Y/N) does this mean that we are a thing now?"

"Only if you want it to be."

You then wrap your arms around him and you pull him in for a tight hug.

"Then i guess we are a thing (Y/N) because i want you more than anything."

You both just lay there after I broke the hug. You then get up and notice what time it was.

"Hey Tex its twelve o'clock!"

"Crap. Well i guess we better go get some lunch with the team."

You both go and eat lunch with your team and RWBY and JNPR. You got sit by your new boyfriend and he sat by Jaune and Silver set next to me.

*In head* "This is going to be a good year at Beacon Academy."

__Time skip to afternoon__(Y/N) Pov__

You and Aqua walk out of a coffee shop.

"So Aqua what would you like to do now."

"Well i was thinking we could go eat at this amazing noodle place i heard of."

"Ok sounds good to me."

__No ones Pov__

(Y/N) and Aqua go to this Asian noodle restraunt and eat. They end up having a good time and Aqua seems to be showing affection to the boy named (Y/N). They both then head back to their dorm room and go to sleep. While they were gone April has been chillin in the dorm while Silver has been hanging out with Mercury his older brother planning something.

__Silver's POV__

"So your saying your boss knows that Aqua and (Y/N) are together?"

"Yes they have been together for a short time. Now listen I will be at Beacon soon ok I have to go silent for two months so no one can track me, Emerald, or Cinder. So that means don't try to contact me. And Cinder will stop messing with Aqua for them two months as well so as soon as those two months are up Cinder will contact you about a deal. Take the deal and do it."

"Uh ok. So don't contact you, wait for Cinder to contact me, and accept the deal. What's the deal?"

"You will know in two months time."

"Hey Mercury its time to go!" You and Mercury turn to your right to see Emerald and Bullhead with Cinder in it.

"Got a go. See you in two months." Mercury them runs and jumps in the bullhead as it takes off.


Hope youll enjoyed this chapter. I'm sorry for updating late at night but I was busy today. Anyways I hope youll had an amazing day and Blade out!

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now