Part 27 (Finale)

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__(Y/N) Pov__

You look up and see Yuri pointing his swords straight at you. He then starts to swing them down towards you and you hear screaming. Turning, you see Aqua jump between you and Yuri. Yuri's swords cut her across the chest. She falls to the ground as blood begins to gush from the gashes on her chest. You run over to her and hold her head in your arms. She looks at you with weak eyes, as a tear falls from her left eye. You begin to cry, holding her head with one hand and running the other through her silky blue hair.

"Goodbye (Y/N)."

Her eyes close and you bring your head down so your head touches hers.

"Aqua, please.. don't leave me!"

Your tears fall onto her face and you stay there, her dead body in your arms. Behind you, you hear Yuri's dark laughter.

"You're too weak (Y/N) - you couldn't even protect your girlfriend. But, if you joined me, I could make it so that this would never happen aga-"

You punch Yuri, cutting off his words and sending him flying into the wall of the school. You walk over and pick up Aqua's sword, tears still running down your face. You begin to walk towards him as he staggers to his feet.

"Good!. Let out that anger!"

You continue to walk towards him, holding the sword of your beloved dead girlfriend. Standing right in front of him, you face off with Yuri..

"Come on, 'dad', hit me!"

He does, and you look back at him smirking. You kick him into the wall, then he looks up to see the end of Aqua's weapon, now in sniper form.

"Tell the devil I said hi."

You pull the trigger but you are knocked back by his transformation into his strongest dragon. You look up at him as his head is turned directly towards you. He grabs you with his left claw and flies straight up. You can feel your bones being crushed under the pressure. You start to glow white and blue but you feel more powerful than last time. Aqua and Isabella appear in front of you.

"Use our strength to kill him (Y/N). We love you, and we believe in you."

They disappear and you are able to break Yuri's grip and and send him flying opposite of you. You transform into a white and blue dragon the same size as him. Your hear a loud roar, and see a much smaller female green and dark blue dragon stop by you.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you not hurt you. Now let's end this!"

You nod and turn back to Yuri.

"You're going to die, Yuri."

"How about you prove that?"


You roar and grab Yuri and throw him to the ground. He jumps back and uppercuts you, throwing you back. The new green dragon then quickly flies back and forth, making small cuts on Yuri until he grabs it and throws it away. You then rush him and punch him, then warm up your fire. You shoot a long blast of fire and he does the same. The two streams of fire meet in the middle, each fighting for dominance over the other. Your blue fire slowly starts to lose ground to his dark red flame. You soon run out of fire and his fire consumes you, sending you crashing into the city below. You land on a few buildings, trying to stand, but you aren't able to. The green dragon lands by you. You look over to it and see it trying to lift you up.

"Get up (Y/N), we need you!"

"I can't get up anymore!"

"Yes you can, I know you can. So come on, one more time for Aqua!"

(Rwby x Male Reader) Years to RememberWhere stories live. Discover now