1 Tricked by the Mystery Guest

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Book c over created by: @ChocolateNeko07

**THIS STORY IS COMPLETED** This story contains a mature chapter, (Chapter 19 Lemon), and due to Wattpad rules, I keep it private for only my followers to see. If you wish to read this chapter, follow me and refresh the story and it should give you access to it. It is not necessary to read this chapter though, just a bonus for the readers who had asked for it.

This story is not part of a series, though a yandere series may be made in the future. If you enjoy this story, make sure to check out my other ones where I continue the 'dere' routes. I enjoy reading all of the comments and love interacting with you all!

Currently accepting banner submissions and any fan art (I seriously think you all are so talented that it makes me low-key jelly.)

"Good morning Princess Y/N!" My maid Yumi says in a cheery tone while opening up my large velvet curtains to let in the morning light. Her pinned up pink hair is in a simple bun and shines bright with the newly lit room. Her green eyes beam at my sleepy form with extreme happiness as today is the day of my eighteenth birthday. 

In the kingdom of Theruma, once a princess turns twenty she must find someone to marry by the age of twenty-one so that she and her husband may rule in place of her parents. In my case, my father had fallen very ill for the past seven months, so the age limit had lowered so that I can take over my mother's place.

Because of the five-year war between Theruma and an unknown evil kingdom, the council thought that the best way for our kingdom to survive is with a king with royal experience, thus, I am forced to marry a prince instead of anyone in my kingdom.

I have no siblings because of a complication my mother had with me during birth in which almost cost both our lives. With the grace of god and all natural forces blessing both of us life after the birth, it resulted in a price that my mother would never be able to bare another child, thus making me the only heir to the throne.

Now that I am of age, everyone is waiting for me to pick the perfect prince that will rule over my land, yet, I do not know if I alone can handle such a big responsibility. I thank the stars in the sky that my parents are still well enough to rule the kingdom so I can learn at my own pace.

Yumi crosses her arms and scolds me for not getting out of bed before she came to deliver breakfast. I apologize and look over to my bedside table to find a bagel with a side of scrambled eggs and bacon. Grabbing the silver and gold tray, I eat my food in bed, ignoring Yumi's to-do list.

"First you may eat but second you must get ready for the grand morning speech! Top council members will be discussing how to choose the perfect prince to fill the position of being king of Theruma!" She excitedly yells from the other side of my light blue room as she scrummages through my jewelry drawer to find a suitable match of diamond that fits well with my dress she picked out days before.

Finishing up breakfast, I put the empty tray back on the table and get out of bed. Walking up to Yumi and taking my clothes out of her arms, I head into my dressing room and change out of my silk pajamas and into a long lavender dress with flower stitching. Yumi patiently waits for me to come out of the room so that she may do my hair and makeup, so I am presentable enough for the royal meeting.

Once done, another maid leads me into the conference room where several town elders and council members are chatting around a large triangle table in the middle of a blue and orange triangle room. The three sides of this triangle room and table symbolize wisdom, peace, and power, in which directly correlates to the elders, council, and royal family.

They notice my presence walking into the room and quiet down as I take my place by my mother and an empty chair. My father had excused himself from this meeting and will be told the details at a later time because of the illness not letting him leave his bed. He has a magical sickness, at least that's what I was told, and he needs a magical cure. Apparently during the war, my father was struck with a curse spell to where he will be plagued by various sicknesses before death arrives at his doorstep. The only cure is an undoing spell for this, but nobody knows magic in my kingdom or surrounding kingdoms - only the kingdom we are fighting has members of the magic type and they are our sworn enemy.

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