10 Lost in a Maze

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"My Queen, please stay put and wait for me." A note sitting by my bedside table is written neatly with instructions to stay in the room. I take this alone time to get ready and pack back up all my things into my suitcase. When I am finally ready and done, I look over to Calum's suitcase to see it is empty. If we are to leave straight after breakfast, shouldn't he have everything ready to go?

I shake my head an look at the time: 7:00am. He should be back soon so we can eat and head on our way. I take this extra time to snoop look around his room and see if there are any traces of his past. There is first a large painting on the wall of his father and mother with him on her lap. His mother is absolutely gorgeous with long white hair and sparkling orange eyes. She sits up straight and holds a slight smile on her face. The King is standing by her chair and holds no smile with hair as long as Calum's once were. He did mention that his mother preferred longer hair, so it made sense that the little boy sitting on her lap had hair to his shoulders. His hair was silver back then too.

Under the portrait is a small desk with nothing on top of it. There is one small drawer that has a golden handle screwed on it. I pull on it and it doesn't budge. It is locked and I don't want to break it open to find out what is inside.

There are the two bedside tables but there is nothing inside either of the drawers and small lamps on top of them. I put my crown back on and wander to the other side of the room. He just has his clothes in his closet and some small belongings that shows he has been living here for a long time. Besides this, he doesn't show much personality in his decorations. My eyes trace around the room to see if there is anything else I can do or look at, but it only goes back to the painting. I trace my finger along the boarder of the painting and wonder how it was like to grow up in this castle with the family. Were his parents hard on him? Did his parents get along well or did they disagree on a lot of things because she was good and he was not? Where is his mother now?

My finger hits something odd and I let it travel to the back of the painting. There is something taped to the back of it and I take it off. It is a small golden key. I immediately use it on the drawer that I couldn't open. I let it slide in the key hole flawlessly and turn it. Once it clicks, I open the drawer and see a small black book inside. I carefully take it out and open it. There are no words on the cover or the back, but there are pictures inside. The first couple pages are filled with pictures of the King and Queen. They look young and happy together. The next few pictures are of Calum as a child and another version of the painting as a picture.

One picture I stop at and stare at it. Calum looks to be about seven years old and happy. There is just one thing that was off. He has white hair in this picture. I put my head closer to the image to see if the lighting was off and it is actually silver, but it is white. I flip through more pages and see him and his brother together and he had white hair while his brother had black. I flip to one more page and see no more traces of his mother, but only of him and his brother and father. He has black hair now.

One more page after that is of him with silver hair and he looks sad. There are no more pictures after this. I double check to see if there are any pictures on the blank pages but everything else is white. I decide to put the book back where I found it and lock back the drawer. I place the key back underneath the portrait and walk to the bed. The bed is soft and still warm from my body heat. I lie down and enjoy the comfortable cushions and shut my eyes.

A knock sounds on the door and opens. I sit back up on the bed at see Calum walking toward me looking different. I remember last night that I had cut his hair off and he looked odd. Now he has a new look with short wavy hair framing his face. He smiles as he sees me staring and jokes with me, "The barber took longer than expected because you cut it so uneven."

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