24 Acceptance

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The next day we were crowned as King and Queen of Theruma in front of everyone that came to watch. We were both dressed in fancy robes and were crowned at the same time. Everyone seems ecstatic at our new lives together and adore us. It's kind of heart wrenching to know that everyone thinks I am in a great, happy relationship with my husband but in reality I am suffering major anxiety attacks at night when he is gone when I think about my future.

It has been a few months since the incident and the crowning. I have been trying to sort out my feelings for Calum and determine whether or not I want to accept my fate with him. Everything seems set in stone for my future but I refuse to give up so easily still. I so badly want to just give up and rely on him, but something in my head is telling me to get away now before something happens.

The Kingdoms have been running pretty smoothly and I am surprised how well Karow has progressed. This drastic change in their economy and lifestyle had seemed to change almost overnight after the crowning. Magicals are now allowed to have passports to leave Karow and have a life outside of it. The people who chose to stay are helping tear down the walls between the outer city and inner city that divided them before. New architecture and buildings are being made to liven the place up and wealth is being distributed more evenly. All the tax money used to go toward advancing the richer cities, but now they are repairing roads and schools in the poorer lands.

As for Theruma, everything remains the same but more peaceful. No one has to fear for war and we have new medicines from Karow. Magic is being spread to other Kingdom's as well to further advance everyone's lives. To think that all of this happened because of Calum...

It is about midday and I am sitting in our new room. We decided to move into a completely different room separate from our old ones. This new room is bigger and provides a more private place for the both of us. I like this new room also because I can keep my old one as it was to relish in childhood every now and then.

My Mother has been begging for a grandchild for a week now. Luckily for me, Calum told me he'd wait until I was ready and would continue using the green magic. I've seen my Mother sneak time alone with him and pull him aside to persuade him to stop using it. If Calum truly loves me, he won't listen to my Mother and drop it for now. As badly as I want Yumi back in the castle, I don't want to swell up into a balloon just yet. Plus, this would leave me even more helpless and I still don't know if I fully trust Calum just yet.

Standing in front of my full body mirror, I brush my hair out and set the crown on my head. Calum had let me gain more freedom lately and lets me do whatever I want in the castle, I just can't leave it without him. He has gotten a lot more busier and so have I, but he does a lot more than I do. I was with him earlier for lunch in his office but had to part from him to brush my hair because he thought it would be funny to ruffle my hair. We are meeting with important people in a few minutes yet he decides it would be 'funny' to make my hair into a complete birds nest.

After the meeting with the King and Queen of Valeum, we show them around our Castle and then take them to their room. The Queen, Weiss, thanked us for our hospitality.

"We will see you both for dinner tonight." Calum addressed them.

They both nod and go into the room. Before we could leave, Weiss pokes her head out for a moment, "Y/N dear, did you happen to find where Jerrad went?"

Jerrad is their son that they had to bring along. He was with one of our maids for the time we had for the meeting and was supposed to be back in the room at this time. We had just heard about their child last minute because they had adopted. They must not be able to have children so they decided to take in a kid from their kingdom. Before I could open my mouth, a loud screech sounds behind me. Jerrad skips down the hallways with a frantic maid. He is very hyper and his eyes widen when he see's his mother. He runs passed me and inside the room. The Queen smiles and shuts the door. The energetic kid leaves me laughing in his place. Calum raises an eyebrow at me but doesn't say anything.

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